Team England - Looking for somewhat active team members!
Hi guys!
So as per normal, after the first week of the season I've gotten rid of anybody from three team I took over that has earned 0 trophies, and am looking for somewhat active team members to join our team, details are in the screenshot if you would like, all I ask is that you're somewhat active, like earning 1000 or so trophies a week even would be ideal.
Hey Gillzinho,
Long time no speak! Say My Name! It's Walter_White. 38K trophies??? Boy has team England gone downhill since I left. Where is that cheat BrotatoWaffle? I started up my own team. Not stolen from Ticken like yours. Nice to see my old mate Mighty Shock still there. If you wanted to join my team I might consider you but we don't allow step counting cheats in Team Britain.
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For one, Brotato wasn't cheating. If he was, we would have been found out by the moderation team and our trophies would have been reset. For two, Ticken left so it wasn't stolen. Stop being a little baby because I kicked you out of my team when you impersonated Ticken and kept trying to get Brotato kicked out.
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