I made a new team with a bunch of friends because we had an inactive leader
Me and a couple of friends decided to make a new team because the previous one had an inactive leader. I am a pretty much a hardcore player who can get 50k+ trophies every season, but that doesn't apply to my friends. It doesn't matter how many trophies you get so you don't need to stress yourself. We pretty much just chat and play. So if anyone wants to join, here is our team.
I have already gathered up 1 million steps and i am close to 1 million wumpa fruits as well.
I know in the second picture you see more trophies, but that's because i got some in my previous team before i left. Thanks
Currently in 3rd place with 11 people. If we had more we could be 1st no problem
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Look at the CZECH PRIMA LIDI. We are very active and if you can play about 50k trophies, I can write my leader for free place for all in your team :-)
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I'm already at 40k, but we have a difference of 10k trophies from the first
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Alezio do you want to join us? We are all active :-) I can write my leader to free place for you
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We are climbing the leaderboard but we are also saving our steps for next season. Still in 3rd place. As soon as i hit 30 members I won't post anymore.
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