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NAUGHTY D0GS is recruiting a good players!
The players must be fulfill the requirements:
- Minimum 25,000 trophies at the conclusion of each season. If a member joins mid-season, this expectation will be prorated from when he/she joins (minimum 6,250 trophies per week).
- Players should donate 900 trophies and above per day to fulfill the requirements.
- Players who exceed four (4) days of inactivity will be removed unless express permission has been given by the moderators (e.g. vacation, illness, connectivity issues).
- And lastly, treat each and every member with respect and dignity. Do not disparage, insult, or disrespect any member.
Can I join your team please?
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@Eira_Thomas you could join by the discord link
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Are you still recruiting players?
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I need a team
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How many trophies do you donate every day @SunShine3488
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Update: Weekly Tournaments are replacing Seasons, so in end of every week, you should donate 4000 or more trophies to help Naughty D0gs.
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Update: Weekly Tournaments will replace Seasons so, at the end of a week, you should donate 3500 trophies or more.
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If the players join in the middle of the tournament, it will be prorated.
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It is better if you have 5000 trophies at the end of each tournament
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