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Girls Who Game
That sucks that you do not have the tiki.
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Do you have the tiki?
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Yes 👍🏻
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Jealous!! 😭
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yeah, you can try logging out and uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
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I’ve done way better & knowing I have 40.9k wumpa, plenty of steps (idk how to find them nor do i care to even know!) and a full silo I could be using for trophies makes me mad smh
I will play more when tiki comes back, bur for now I would love to have active players join girlswhogame top 3 sounds so good! #1 even better!
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take me back to the old COTR!
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From 43rd by myself to 4th place w/6 players! Yayy team!!
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How did I run this long for only those trophies lol…anyways its all about contributing what I can to my team!!
Join us we run, crash and win! #GirlsWhoGame #BringBackTiki
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