Level 78 blue bubbles

Michelle_Joseph Posts: 8

Level 1

I am playing level 78 and want to know what the numbers are for on

the blue bubbles. I noticed sometimes I lose turns when i get rid of a 

blue bubble.

Best Answer

  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755
    Answer ✓

    Those are tile bombs, if you do not use those tiles in a word before the counter goes to zero in the bubble, they will blow up and take moves from you! So try to get rid of them ASAP! 


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755
    Answer ✓

    Those are tile bombs, if you do not use those tiles in a word before the counter goes to zero in the bubble, they will blow up and take moves from you! So try to get rid of them ASAP! 

  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755

    Happy to see you passed the roadblock Michelle :)

  • Michelle_Joseph
    Michelle_Joseph Posts: 8

    Level 1

    I figured out the problem. It was my fault. Thought i had done level 66 and got stars but i never got stars. The moment I got stars I could Advance.

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