my alpha betty saga game is pixiled and can't read the letters .
Hi Mittens!
Which tablet do you have?
It could very well be that something went wrong when the game was installed or updated. I suggest the following steps:
1) First of all - make sure the game is connected to Facebook or Kingdom. This way you have a backup of your game progress, high scores and gold bars.
2) Un-install the game, then reboot your tablet.
3) Install the game again. For iOS: - Android:
4) Start the game and reconnect to Facebook (blue button) or Kingdom (orange button)
Hopefully the game should now work correctly again.
Cheers :-)
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Hi Combo.
I have this same problem. About a month ago, i uninstalled the game. I have just reinstalled it from google play.......and the block graphics are still exactly the same and the game unplayable!
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