scores for players are incorrect at the PLAY window
Seems fixed now, even retroactively - good job!
Played 652 on Facebook and got 41184, reported correctly on both FB and Android
Played 651 on Android and got 27485, reported correctly on both Android and FB.
On top of that, level 165 now has its correct record of 50732.
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Alessandro S ... I'm glad it is working for you ... unfortunately my version on the PC has not been updated yet ... it may take a day or two before I see the updated version ... fingers crossedSeems fixed now, even retroactively - good job!
Played 652 on Facebook and got 41184, reported correctly on both FB and Android
Played 651 on Android and got 27485, reported correctly on both Android and FB.
On top of that, level 165 now has its correct record of 50732.
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this is not an answer ... it is May 2nd ... the scores are still off by one level on PCs and for android devices ... observation - when players report directly to kingcare the autobot Anna replies and that seems to be the end of any communication. If anyone knows how to bypass Anna - please post a reply.
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Abe, see nBoo's post here
King care and customer services are different departments, so posting here, you shouldn't get a bot but you obviously do if you email or go to live chat?
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It appears that the scoring issue was resolved in the May 10 2018 release.
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