Weekly Word Challenge! Win 100 Gold Bars if you find all films! (finished)
Crazy Cat Lad
Posts: 14,124
This week it's time to pop the popcorn, fill up your soda glasses, find a comfortable seat and go to the movies.
The words you need to find this week are classic movie titles.
All films are one-word titles and you have two empty tiles as well that you can use as different letters in several film titles
The player that find most film titles will win 50 Gold Bars to their AlphaBetty Saga, but if you are quick and your reply is the first one of all answers and also found more words than the other players, you will 100 Gold Bars instead!
Mice, huh?
Post all films that you can find here before Friday 7th June since we'll have a new game board and a new theme then.
You have until Friday the 7th June, 12:00 CET to participate and you can read the Terms and Conditions here.
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Then sign up right here to participate!
Hmm... this will be a tough one for me @Crazy Cat Lad. Will just sit & relax while our Community Word Wizards --
@RegalRenz @mysticalmysty @bearwithme @Sabrina_Menin @Mindy_OConnell try their best and figure out the names of the films
Also, calling out @Foley1362 and @firebombmarkus to have some fun here even-though they don't play the game Foley will be good with this challenge.... may be I will take his help to win this.... hahaha1 -
Heyyyy.... I got few....
1)Jaws 2)GoldFinger 3)Holes 4)Psycho 5)Moon 6)E.T 7)Alien 8)Titanic 9)Vertigo 10)Babe
Also found these 11)Monster 12)Ran 13)Ghost 14)Beaches 15)Elf 16)Poltergeist 17)Moonstruck 18)Hostel
** I found "Bachelor", when searched it was "The Bachelor". So not sure if it counts or not!!0 -
Thanks for tagging me @Pummy Raj This is a great contest @Crazy Cat Lad I might come back later with some answers 😉2
I'll be back. Thanks for the tag @Pummy Raj2
Thank you for tagging me @Pummy Raj here’s what I got so far : Jaws / Moon / Moonstruck / ET / Alien / Poltergeist / Goldfinger / Vertigo / Babe / Monster / Ghost / Beaches / Elf / Hostel / Holes / Titanic / Monster / Ran / Pilot / Ben.0
I found 54 titles soar. Do I just post them here?0
Papillon Goldfinger Shortie Jaws Moon Ghost Babe Estranged Signs Trolls Bean Thing Salt Lodger Rocky Strange Shorts Tootsie Psycho Goalie Sever Bambi Tango Vertigo Titanic Motel Unlucky Monster Lost Loser Big Goats Bolt Courage Aliens Largo Elf Gator Clue Felon Jfk Bengi Moonstruck Logan Starling. Pathos. Milo. Saw Bug Ran Red SOB Hung
0 -
Thank you for tagging me @Pummy Raj. I love movies so I will have to give it a try but not sure I’ll be able to beat @LilSpacegirl. 😄1
Thank you for tagging me @Pummy Raj .This contest is very interesting but this week I leave the challenge because I don't think to beat @LilSpacegirl😲1
Pavilion, big, tango, vertigo, titanic, aliens, Rambo, rocky, bamboo, tootsies, elf, babe bewitched, ran, Milo, classy, bolt, monsters, lost, shortie, phsyco, clue, moonstruck, goldfinger, mask, closer, grease, popeye, tango. Deliverence, Friday, up, loser, saw, Armageddon, star, velosity, happiness, Ray, Ben, holes, blade, forgotten, Mars, shining.
These are a few1
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