points deduction
Best Answer
it appears that the move stealers are blowing up
... each explosion steals 2 moves
... for level 333 the move stealers must be played within the first 5 moves as indicated on each blue circle
... many players will hit the quit button and start over when the move stealers are unplayable right away... an ideal start is when the move stealers are played in the first 3 moves
it appears that the move stealers are blowing up
... each explosion steals 2 moves
... for level 333 the move stealers must be played within the first 5 moves as indicated on each blue circle
... many players will hit the quit button and start over when the move stealers are unplayable right away... an ideal start is when the move stealers are played in the first 3 moves
6 -
Thank you! Now it makes sense!0
you are welcome! ... good luck
0 -
Those Move Stealers are tough on you if they explode!
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