Stars not registering in Library.
Best Answer
@NurseJe @spearchucker
The stars for the helpers in the Library can only get earned on level 1 to 365.
Each Episode has two helpers that you can progress on by getting stars in that specific episode.
For example. To get the Mystery Mouse and Royal Guard to tier III, you will need to get 135 stars in Episode 1 'A new adventure' levels 1 to 50.
The Mummy Mouse and Cleobettra belongs to 'The Cheesamids' and levels 51-95. You wll need to collect more stars on those levels to progress to tier II or III.
Here's the complete list of all helpers and which episode and levels they can be earned on:A new Adventure levels 1-50:Mystery MouseRoyal GuardThe Cheeseamids levels 51-95:The Mummy MouseCleobettraMount Mousemore levels 96-140:Liberty MouseCowboy MouseMousechu Picchu levels 141-185:Adventure MouseWitch DoctorCheeastern Shores levels 186-230:Kimono BlossomSqueaky SenseiNordic Lights levels 231-275:EskimouseMicekingGreece levels levels 276-320:Musical MouseMermouseRomania levels levels 321-365:Vampire MouseTraditional Betty
So if you want to progress to tier II or III on any helper, just scroll back and replay those specific levels and try to get more stars.5
I am on level 590. I stopped earning stars to get the added tab level benefits. I always complete each game with 2 or three stars if not 3. How can I get to tab 3?0
Hi @spearchucker and welcome to our Community!
I need to check this up and get back to you.
Meanwhile check the Weekly Word Challenge when you are here in the Community to win Gold Bars to your game. If you can't find any words on this week's challenge there'll be a new on Thursday under Discussions.
0 -
Hi @NurseJe and welcome to our Community!
I moved your post to this thread that is in the same topic.
I have reported this to the game studio and waiting for a reply still. I will post any news about this as soon as I hear something.
Don't miss out this week's Weekly Word Challenge here. You have the chance to win Gold Bars to your game!0 -
@NurseJe @spearchucker
The stars for the helpers in the Library can only get earned on level 1 to 365.
Each Episode has two helpers that you can progress on by getting stars in that specific episode.
For example. To get the Mystery Mouse and Royal Guard to tier III, you will need to get 135 stars in Episode 1 'A new adventure' levels 1 to 50.
The Mummy Mouse and Cleobettra belongs to 'The Cheesamids' and levels 51-95. You wll need to collect more stars on those levels to progress to tier II or III.
Here's the complete list of all helpers and which episode and levels they can be earned on:A new Adventure levels 1-50:Mystery MouseRoyal GuardThe Cheeseamids levels 51-95:The Mummy MouseCleobettraMount Mousemore levels 96-140:Liberty MouseCowboy MouseMousechu Picchu levels 141-185:Adventure MouseWitch DoctorCheeastern Shores levels 186-230:Kimono BlossomSqueaky SenseiNordic Lights levels 231-275:EskimouseMicekingGreece levels levels 276-320:Musical MouseMermouseRomania levels levels 321-365:Vampire MouseTraditional Betty
So if you want to progress to tier II or III on any helper, just scroll back and replay those specific levels and try to get more stars.5
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