has anyone passed level 669?
Well done Donna! And a HUGE thank you to Alessandro!
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I have tried this level over and over for a month. Alpha Betty is not longer any fun because they have made this level impossible. I know that some people have done it but I guess I'm not going to be one of them. I'm going to just ditch this game and try to find something else to play. Also, I had earned a crown on the wheel and I played it once. It never did give me the free crowns that I was supposed to get but it did subtract it from my total of crowns I had accumulated. I hate to give up but I'm really not enjoying this game any more.1
I am sorry to hear that you also are struggling with this level. It really was a horrible level and it took me many, many months to finally complete it. I was so close to deleting the game. You are right, the game isn't fun anymore. It isn't a game you can just play for a little while, pass some levels and play again later. It has become a game where you can be struggling on the levels for days (or months), where is the fun in that? I wish someone from King would reply to this post and answer the questions we have all raised.
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Alessandro nailed it. It seems like the only way to pass it. I'm on 711 and there hasn't been a repeat of this frustrating board, so don't give up : ). On your first move, create a 4-letter word using the most uncommon letters possible. When the bulk of the manuscripts open, scan for our favorites: ed, ing, er and ine. As Alessandro advises, you'll need a huge line-blaster on this second move to succeed. If it's not there, I recommend closing and reopening until you get at least an 8-letter word (hopefully your first 10-letter). On the third turn form another 4-letter word using hard to place letters. Fourth turn trigger the lineblaster. Scan carefully for possibilities and if necessary create a couple of 4-letters or another large lineblaster. Make yourself resist anything else. : ) If you've created two or three more crowns and still don't have a 10-letter word using them it's time to close down and try again. Otherwise you waste moves when the lineblasters created by 10-letter words trigger and wipe out extra crowns. Alessandro's strategy plus limiting my time (frustration!) on loser boards helped a lot.
P.S. I don't buy anything or use the extra moves (because I spent waaay too much on candy crush), so it is possible to do without $$.
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Where can I find allesandro’s answer? I have been stuck for months and haven’t been able to get not one 10 letter word. Now I can’t even find allesandros answer. This has been the only game I find a challenge and good until this level and it’s impossible! It seems to have become like the rest of the kings games and wants to make you spend money!0
Tapez moi je suis au 477 , les 4 assiettes dans les coins, ben impossible de cliquer dessus ou autres, je n'arrive pas à finir cette étape et pourtant j'ai tout trouvé mais les assiettes ne se retirent pas des coins....votre commentaire0
hi @Sheri_McDonald
I searched unsucessfully for the reply from @Alessandro_S
perhaps he will see the tag and reply here
until then you might try a "7-letter word and crown" approach
try to flood the board with crowns
while making crowns look for a 7-letter word first
take your time each turn while looking for a 7-letter word
the goal ... have a board with several crowns and one or two 8-way blasters
the blasting-crowns technique:
blasted crowns add to a word's length
most blasted crowns are returned to the board after getting credit for a ten letter word
crowns used as part of a ten letter word are consumed and not returned to the board
try to avoid using crowns as part of a ten letter word(until the last ten letter word)
examine each 8-way blaster ... count the number of crowns it will hit
an ideal play ... play an 8-way blaster that hits 3 crowns while making a 7-letter word(7+3 = 10)
you get credit for a ten letter word AND an 8-way blaster is created
not as ideal(but effective) ... use multiple blasters to hit enough crowns to make a ten letter word
it takes awhile to avoid using crowns as part of a word ... eventually it becomes automatic when looking to make a long word***********************************there is an example of reusing crowns ... open in a new tab or a new window ... http://www.screenshotabe.com/reuseCrowns.php
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Perhaps I just got lucky, but I passed this level on my first try. Fortunately, I didn't get a ton of "J" which is the worst letter in the alphabet in this game. Like the above poster mentioned, I flooded the board with 4-letter word crowns, getting rid of the uncommon letters in the process, then made 6 to 7 letter words. The challenge is that when you make a long word, you get a "Magnificent" block, but that can potentially blow off too many of your crowns.0
Hi Carol...
I am on level 909 and there are several levels that it took me what felt like forever (some of them a month or more) to complete. However when I get frustrated I find it's best to go backwards and play a level I really enjoyed or I'll go backwards and play the boards without 3 stars until I earn them all. This breaks up the monotony of playing the same level over and over and over. Also just being able to step away for a moment allows your brain to look at the board differently when you do come back to it finally. I know this answer doesn't give you any super secret how to pass it answers but I promise the games just keep getting better the further along you go so hopefully you stick with it. When you get frustrated just play a fun level and tell yourself you don't have to pass this level because you have 600 other ones you can play then the pressure is off, your brain is reset on another level and the next thing you will know you will be close to 1000 with me!!1 -
How do you get thesecrowns and lineblasters0
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