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Level too hard
I've given you all the suggestions to tell these people to make the game better...what more do you want? Don't mean to be overly negative, just realistic. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem...
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hi @Oystercopy @Crazy Cat Lad @Xarly @nBoo
thank you for your support
you did supply a good level for testing the autoshuffle ... level 368
some of the heavy hitters have been tagged(am guessing they are still at king) ... they may be off for the weekend
now we wait ... step 1 ... a reply from king ... "yes, we are working on the autoshuffle"
or "stop complaining ... it only happened once on level 368 in 24 tries"
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What is the exact issue you have in the game @Oystercopy ?
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