Gold bars bought
Best Answers
hi @jill88
your account may need to be adjusted
@Crazy Cat Lad is able to access players' accounts ... and is available on weekdays
he may ask for your player ID
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hi @jill88 @Crazy Cat Lad @Xarly
using the tag will alert Crazy Cat Lad
it appears that he was not working today
he is in Europe ... and will usually reply early on his shift
look for a reply early tomorrow
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Thanks @jill88 !
Please reinstall the app to get this in order.
Delete the app, restart the iPhone/ iPad and download the game again from App Store.
Open the game and connect it to your King account. The levels and extra Gold Bars that I added to your game should then load up.
I hope this helps!
hi @jill88
your account may need to be adjusted
@Crazy Cat Lad is able to access players' accounts ... and is available on weekdays
he may ask for your player ID
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@Crazy Cat Lad help! My gold bars won’t download. Abe_coffee said you may be able to reset my account.
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How do I reach out to Crazy Cat Lad?
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hi @jill88 @Crazy Cat Lad @Xarly
using the tag will alert Crazy Cat Lad
it appears that he was not working today
he is in Europe ... and will usually reply early on his shift
look for a reply early tomorrow
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hi @jil88
no word from @Crazy Cat Lad
maybe he is quarantine
I messaged several members and hope to get some kind of reply ... soon?l
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I'm here and I can help you! Welcome to our community @jill88! Have you checked to see if you were billed for them? That should be the first step. Can you possibly do a print screen so that we can see what you are seeing? If you need help doing a print screen please follow the steps here. Do these things and then write back here and I will offer you further direction.
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ID# 6178607758
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Thanks @jill88 !
Please reinstall the app to get this in order.
Delete the app, restart the iPhone/ iPad and download the game again from App Store.
Open the game and connect it to your King account. The levels and extra Gold Bars that I added to your game should then load up.
I hope this helps!
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Thank you! That worked!
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