(Unsupported Language) Bonjour je suis nouvelle
Je suis au niveau 2677, je ne peux plus jouer sur mon ordinateur le jeux est bloqué sur ma page facebook çà affiche bientôt disponible mais çà fait lontemps que j'ai ce message dommage
Farm heroes saga level 2519
Can't find any help whatsoever on King Community for farm heroes saga level 2519. I hate this site, nothing is simple and it's useless to navigate. It takes me round in circles and NEVER have I found help on the level I happen to be on. Please make this community site easier to use. P'S. "Discussions" is THE only tittle…
Piggy Bank
I need gold bars and want to open my piggy bank (which is full), where do I find it?
Become a Game Expert!
No account yet? Register here in just 2 seconds! 🌟 🍭🌟 Hi Community! Do you just love King games and want to help other players? This is your chance to become an Expert here in the Community! How to become an Expert? Have you been helping other players lately? Have you been active and engaged in the Community in the past…
Farm Heores keep on stated coming soon
My game keep on stated coming soon. Its been more than 2 months.. Anyone has similar problem?
Shrinking screen
Welcome back!...……...Thank you =)
Highest level
Who has the highest lvl?
Tractor Booster
Hi why does the tractor booster have a NEW ribbon in it. Looks like it removes a row like it did before so not sure what is new about it?
(Unsupported Language) NIVEL 2511
PASAR IMPOSIBLE EL NIVEL 2511, como mucho te descuenta un 2% en cada tirada y si consigues llegar al 38% con alguna tirada ya te puedes olvidar porque ya no descuenta más ... esto se hace muy aburrido y una perdida de tiempo, espero que lo revisen ...
(Unsupported Language) cool les lingot
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