Level 168
How come in my level 168 I have to get 90 of each of the 3 crops in 16 turns and in your help video and the others I have watched they only have to get 50 of each of the crops in 30 turns. It is impossible to get that amount of crops in the turns provided and there is no help for it either. Please can you…
Level 227
I have been playing this level so long and have learned to "HATE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!" I can't get to level 228!!!!!!!!!!!
Facebook users
Is anyone else having issues getting lives or beans since the switch to html5? Please make sure you have checked your facebook permissions first as can be found here: The reason I am asking is that we get a lot of complaints in our Facebook group but nobody will come and post over here, so I am hoping this will help. This…
Whats Happened ??????
Whats happened to Farm Heroes Saga for 3 days now all i keep getting when i try to play is ' Something went wrong ' anyone know ??
Level 2586
Help! Missie Onmogelijk op de PC.
Suggestion: The bull
Don´t know if the bull are supposted to do what it does or if they just haven´t think about it. Today when you move the bull and that runs away, it destroy the crops they run throug. If it supposted to do that I then guess the bull does what it should. But otherwise my suggestion are that the bull should collect the crops…
Suggestion: User Id
I see in the community that sometimes players are asked for the user id. Now I don´t know if it the same in all devices. In my mobile I must log out and then click on the king symbol to see the user id. My suggestion are that the user id are placed inside the game so you can see it when your are logged in. In my mobile I…
Clock frozen in farm heroes
Hello, since 8 days I finished my level, I'm at 1570 and the clock does not turn and remains blocked ..... thank you for answering me and best regards
Level 1687
I've been stuck on level 1687 for weeks. Should be classed as impossible level. Any one got any tips how to pass this level. Cause I'm buggered if I can even get close ;(
Proposal for the event
Question: Could you get the energy charges from the players? Like life !!! That would be helpful! You're welcome... =)