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Level 3503
<div></div> Who among you has passed the 3503 level? How do I collect 145 crocodiles IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! THERE MUST BE A MISTAKE HELP!
Please can someone direct me to someone who will know about players accounts xxx
I have been having several issues recently :~( I am now regularly having to contact xbox.com/refunds after speaking to a King advisor for gold bars not cashed in for my piggy bank, but charged to my paypal account for Farm Heroes Saga. Never had this before. I had a previous issue with winning hunter boosters which have…
facebook gameroom gone, so are all my extra stuff
ever since gameroom went away, I'm know in the single digits on power-ups: lawn mower, cat, shovel, etc. I used to have at least 12-15 of them via Gameroom.....so do i ever get them back or are they forfeit? I know to beat a couple super difficult levels i had to call upon a few extras.....now i don't have anything....or…
Bonnie Booster Is Gone
Using app through Microsoft. Cleared cookies and have enough storage space. Any ideas?
Why are my team mates pick axes not being shown or included with mine?
I am part of a team which includes my sister, however my activity and her activity is not being linked. .On her game, the pick axes that I have collected are not being shown and taken into account for collecting rewards. On my game, only the pick axes that I have collected are being shown and taken into account for…
Transfer bars from Facebook account
I receive an email giving me 50 gold bars. When I clicked on the email it took me to a facebook game page using my facebook account. I have never played this game (Farmheroes on facebook) It wouldn't allow me to log in and started me at level 1. I would like to transfer these bars to my real account. Please advise.
I have received any new levels for five weeks, what is going on?
Level 4120 has Been frozen for over a month,why haven't I received new levels?
Tried to Restore Facebook Game and Can't Get my King Game progress back
Booh hooh, 😥 I play two FHS games, one on the King platform, the other on Facebook. I started again from the beginning on King as my FB game ran out of beans! FB level 3000s with 670 beans, and King 2000s with about 189k beans! I play on FB occasionally. This morning the games app on FB was missing, and in my attempt to…
Level 1628
Can anyone help I've been trying this level for months and I cannot get the sheep across to the hay as the snowball blocks every move. HELP !!!