Error message when trying to buy shovels on Facebook
New Shovel Please
I've noticed that a shovel does not bash a spider. Surely it could in real life. I request that the benefits of the New Tractor be applied to the much rarer and limited shovel. It could move a bull if used to collect cropsie next to it. Etc...
Farm Heros Saga Levels
Moved King.com from Firefox to Google, logged in with my info. Have been taken back to level 1 when I was on level 170-something.
Not load im gamerrom
Since yesterday farm heroes is not working in facebook gameroom
I can't collect my beans or lives and I can't unlock? Companions
Not getting my daily bonus
For the past 7 or more days, I haven't received my bonuses. These bonuses would help me beat my level. What is going on in this game? Been playing this for 5 years and don't want to stop playing because I keep having issues. Could you help me please?
Level 1225 and 1240 on king.com
@QueenB (hope the tagging works) I start a new thread abut this problem. There seems to become a problem on at least level 1240 on king.com. It has for as long as I remember been that you have a green dot on one of the levels. Wich level that have the green dot variated. And the level marker on 1240 says 1225. You see on…
Daily rewards not being received
I noticed that over the last week or so that any of the daily rewards I receive are not actually making it to my account. I initially noticed it when receiving a +5 move and it never showed up. This is occurring with every reward type at this point. Is this a known issue?
Stuck on level 1342
I recently finished level 1341, but when i click on level 1342 it gives a popup saying: something went wrong, please reload the game. No matter waht i do, this keeps happening, in every browser, and after clearing caches too. What else can i do to be able to continue playing Farm Heroes?
Stuck on level 1342
I cant play level 1342. I finished level 1341 (more than once by now) but when i click on level 1342 it keeps giving a popup saying: something went wrong, please reload the game. Only thing i can do is reload after that, but nothing changes. I already tried another browser, but the same thing keeps happening, and clearing…