Can't retrieve rewards
Hiya folks, In November, I was doing an event and I won 1000 beans BUT I never received them. I also have 2 rewards in my Farm Club, which I cannot retrieve. I have uninstalled then reinstalled, cleared cache, etc. Anything else I can do, please? Thank you MamaBear💕🐻💕
Haven't been able to play
This discussion was created from comments split from: Have you completed level 2000? Get your Badge here!.
I don't have friends
I have no friends, just such a message. What is going on? What do you have to do to get my friends back?
I'm on level 18 of the 3000 challenge, and today I used all tools I built up and finally had it beat! I had 3 suns left to get! I found the match and made it, the sun's disappeared but I got no credit for the 3 suns! Now I have to start from scratch and build my tools up again to go foreward!
When asking friends for help with road blocks, the same friends come up all the time,
you used to be able to type friends names in that you knew played requarly , but can't now, plus its the same few friends all the time get your requests and don't even play the game anymore. Getting fed up with the game after years of playing it, think i will just forger it and go onto something else, there's nothing but…
Level 785 Crashes
There is something really broken about level 785. It crashed about 5 times in a row for me., Sometimes it crashes early but many times near the end. This last time I had Bonnie charged up to level 5 and lost her bonuses as I tried to win it. I would have but every time it crashes it reduces Bonnie level. The beans spend on…
where can i find the helpers that are under it? I am on level 2200 at farm Hero saga
Send Lives Don't Prompt If Blank
This is a request for development to remove the prompt to send lives to other players when there aren't any players to send to. Its fine to prompt us to send lives when we can, but after we've done it and are waiting for the next day to be able to send more, please do not prompt us. At least on my iOS device, I am prompted…
Companion Level 3rd Star Not Awarded. Level 712 still says Unlock at Level 711. Why?
Rancid and getting to the next level
Hello! Just now signing up but I'm on level 2350. I've noticed that now we cannot replay against Rancid to obtain 2 stars to proceed to the next level. What's worse (for me) is that the clock to be allowed to proceed (my team/friends) don't actively play 😪. I don't really want to purchase 9 gold bars to get to the next…