Unlimited usage of the Boosters-FIXED!
Hi there, Since yesterday morning, I can use unlimited amount per game, of the +1, the dog, the shovel etc. I play on computer. I restart the game, the facebook, log out and try incognito mode. So basically, I can pass every level, regardless of the difficulty, just because I can use everything multiple times per one…
Wanted advertising
I wanted to know why they no longer advertise before the games that always gave boosters
How do i obtain a code to empty the gold bars from my piggy bank?
My piggy bank is full of gold bars. I do no think that I should have to purchase the bars since I have earned them. The other option is to enter a code which I don't have or have been given the opportunity to obtain. It is disappointing to watch new gold bars being tossed away as I continue to play. May i please have a…
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**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**
Water Bucket Splash on Grass
Why don't water drops that splash from a bucket (e.g. triggered by the shovel) onto green grass get the plus (+) value bonus?
my lives are not recharging
I have 0 lives and it says it is full and I have to pay to get lives! Boosters are gone locked up, and my 6 gold bars are gone, what happened?
Still waiting
Still waiting for an answer to my original post. My friends do not receive my requests for help when stopped by a blockade.
Farm Heroes Saga 1978 not working
always ask for reloading! Please fix it , thanks!
Gold bars not delivered
I bought gold bars and paid for it, the gold bars haven't been delivered. This is the second time this happened. Please resolve this problem
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**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**