i lost all my progress
I was trying to synchronize my progress to Facebook. And I reinstall the game but it completely reset the game the game and I am back at the level 1 , I am not sure on which level I was . I don't know what I do. Please someone help me
Is there actually anyone at King reading these questions? I've had an issue now for several days. King just aren't interested and keep emailing with the same old stock reply.
Wen i play Farm Heroes all the movesi make react in slow otion and this is since 2 weeks. Does anyon
Does anyone know why Farm Heroes reacts so slow to every move that is made, like it's in slow motion.
Flower tower level 9 help
I can not even get close to what I need can someone please help me
Special events disappearing
For past few weeks, all the special events are disappearing earlier than they should. Usually they still show 2 more days to end but in couple of hours they are gone. How to fix this?
J'ai obtenu tout mes compagnons il me reste seulement les 3 qui ont des points? Mais je ne peux pas y avoir accès. Pourquoi?
J'ai obtenu tout mes compagnons il me reste seulement les 3 qui ont des points ? Mais je ne peux pas y avoir accès. Pourquoi .
transfer from my wife's facbook account to my own (new)facebook account
i have been playing candy crush and farm heroes on my wife's facbook account i now (finaly) set up my own facebook account and would like to take those levels with me is that posible?
Fake new companions alert
Hi, for a really long time now the little companions box at the bottom of my Farm Heroes page has had a little two on it, indicating that I’ve unlocked two companions. However, every time I click on it and scroll down to try to find which ones they are and unlock the reward, there are no unlocked companions. I just want to…
Level 1354 farm heroes geeft bij start maar 19 zetten wat onmogelijk is. op utube 35??
Als ik op utube kijk dan start level 1354 met 35 zetten????