Events-Quests section issue
I have an issue with the Quests subsection of the Events-Quests section on the left side of the screen: the 'hard level' option does not work i.e. keeps zero counter whatever hard levels I executed successfully. The other options are fine. Please explain what can be wrong.
I have messaged kin so many times as I have forgotten my password and the email to recover it never
I have messaged king.com so many times as I have forgotten my password and the email to recover it never came to me, I checked my spam /junk inbox too and it's not there. no body replies to my messages my user id is juni123 and I play a lot but now I can not sign in, please can you send me another email to reset my…
Level 2648 impossible
Level 2648 Candy Crushthis level has 14 moves So you have far too much to do in order to clear 65 jellies in 14 moves. All the solutions online show 25 moves which at least gives you a chance. I'm unable to play the game This level is awful! I'm lucky if i'm able to clear half the blocks. With 14 blocks and two licorish…
Lost my game level in farm hero saga
Accidentally I uninstalled the game and when I reinstalled it I had lost all my progress... So please let me know how can I recover my lost level
hello, i am stuck at level 1057
Im stuck at level 1057 because it is impossibile to make: 40 bombs 16 shells 300 blue 300purple with 17 moves. I see on youtube the same level with just 25 bombs, and i have 40...please help me.
Weekly event not loading - only saying coming soon
I am on level 1604 and my Weekly event not loading and it has been a week now. I tried updating it but still. Assist my friends pls
I need help with level 293 with the flowers
New screen for this level. No help anywhere. I have the updated version w/11 flowers. Please help me pass. I love this game and don't want to quit.
how to beat level 784 in farm heroes saga?
this level is magic bean-drainer! from 70,000+, down to 40,000+ left. i don't know how long will i survive this level, it's very stressful and making me super depress to the point that i want to learn how to hack so that for 1 click, i can manage to finish a certain level without draining my whole energy and sanity.…
Farm Club mystery
Hi, I have on my home screen for Farm Heroes a notification (the number 1) against my Farm Club icon. When I go into Farm Club, there is no reward to collect......am I missing something? My log in address is razorsharpe70@icloud.com
Lost progress?
I finally managed to pass level 192 and suddenly I have to pass it again? Even my Kiwi booster is gome and it took me a good while to get three stars in order to get it! How do I fix this?