Problème chargement Farm Heroes Saga
Bonjour. Je joue à Farm Heroes Saga, mais depuis quelques jours, je suis bloqué au niveau 461 qui ne se charge pas. Lorsque je relance le jeu, il se met en permanence en chargement et me suprime des vies. Pouvez-vous arranger ce problème. Merci.
Sync issues
Synced this game to a new tablet and lost 140000 beans in the process, also now I don't get any beans and my boosters are frozen. I can remember accumulate either one of these anymore
I can't pass level 1270 on Farm Heroes Saga.
I can't pass level 1270 on Farm Heroes Saga. I keep reading that people are playing higher levels, but my game has been saying "coming soon" for almost a year. What can I do?
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A & a Tab E, we cannot connect our King apps to Facebook. How do we fix?
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A & a Tab E, we cannot connect our King apps to Facebook. How do we fix this problem? When we click on connect to Facebook it just goes to a gray screen and a circle that spins and says Loading, but it never connects.
Sync king games to facebook
How can i move my kings games onto my new king account so i can sync the new account to facebook??
Not getting credit for completing a level
I have completed level 490 twice and it is not giving me credit for completion.
farm heroes saga frozen on level 1481. cannot enter level on either facebook gameroom or browser.
I have passed the roadblock after level 1480, but cannot enter level 1481. Have used facebook on 3 different browsers and gameroom and cannot enter level. This has been going on for about a week. Please advise.
I have a new phone and lost my progress on Farm Heros.
I need help getting back to my current level after getting a new phone. It's starting me back at 1.
Is the new update to pet rescue and candy crush or to any King online games compatible to Edge?
Since update to the online games through facebook, I am not able to play them through Microsoft Edge. They work fine through my android and through firefox but my primary access is through Edge. Playing through Firefox is very slow which is why I had always played games through Edge. Is there a compatibility issue with…
What can I do cause I can't play the game farm heros
Hi I jus bought a phablet and I down load back my farm heros now I'm going on it and every time I try to connect on facebook to go back to my last level it won't and when I press play it blank out and go back to my home screen I need to play my games please help.