Getting sent back to home screen?
I played one level of Farm Heroes just fine yesterday but then my next level froze. I closed it and then tried the app 20 minutes later but kept getting sent back to the home screen while it was loading and haven't been able to open the app ever since..? I have enough storage and I've restarted my phone twice.
Lost my levels i used to be 728
So my grandson was trying to help me save my levels on farm hero's in case anything happen to my phone. He signed into.his facebook and it just reset me from level 728 to level 1 and he tried signing out and I was suck on the same level. Anyway it can be fixed??
Reloaded farm hereos but can't retrieve rewards.
I don't want to delete app since it may never retrieve rewards. I had over 35 rewards in each one and your solution so far hasn't brought them back.
Farm Heroes saga rewards on level 855;
At level 855 I made 147000 scores and i should received all the animal, but no animal I rewarded in my animal club
Tasks part lost in farm heroes saga
My game lost taks section in farm heroes saga after sync with my facebook i like those different tasks pls update soon
how do i play/get bonus games
how do i get to play the bonus games its not anywhere on my farm heroes page. dont know what the point is when i get the little icon that says you have completed a new king level. i see others post on farm heroes facebook page how they get extra boosters or gold bars because of this so i just need to know how to do this
Level 652 has an error, bugs do not open their wings?
Bugs on level 652 do not open their wings?? seems likes its a "bug" on the level.
Why is it NOT possible to play the royalgames on a iPhone ..been stagnate and don't like tha
I do not like the fact that you cannot play money games without a laptop!...I cannot access from my iPhone and DO NOT LIKE you taking my money away because I no longer own a laptop!
Boosters not recharging
My boosters seem to have stopped recharging. Havent gotten a new one at least for the dog and shovel in ages. Have waited more than 24h and gotten a gift of unlimited lives and booster recharge at least 2 times but the number of boosters stays the same.
I am level 267 of Farm Heroes Saga and am unable to get past it because it keeps needing to be
reloaded after one play. Then when you move one to the next play, a message to reload come up- AFTER it takes the beans for the helper. When I reload it, the beans are gone as well as that life. I am able to play one more time and then it starts over. I have tried playing it with other computers under different engines and…