Where have all my boosters gone?
All my boosters disappeared yesterday. I also tried my Android Phone and connected via Facebook but they are still missing. Thanks.
Level reset to 1 after updating new phone
Good day. I received a new phone and following all directions, still can't get Farm Heroes to sync back to the level I was at (over 1000). I tried logging in with Facebook and have had no luck. Please help! Thx.
Candy Crush saga reset to level 1
I change my mobile today. Candy Crush Saga go back to level 1. I already play up to level 2,4.... Could you help me back to my current level please. Thanks a lot!
Farm Heroes iPad Progress Lost
I couldn't open Farm Heroes on iPad. There was no update. Now I lost all of my levels. Can I get restarted at me last level?
How can I gift all my beans?
I will can't play more this game for a while because I have a work. I have a lot of beans! How can I gift it to my mother? She never has beans. I have my ID code and her ID code. Can happen? Please?
I passed Chase the Sun but did not receive my 3500 reward
I passed Chase the Sun but did not receive my 3500 reward. Why did this happen. Will I not receive my reward
Prizes not given for Tractor Dash
I did not receive the tractor and +1 boosters as rewards for winning. There was no notification of the result which is usually immediate after the challenge ends and now a new one has started. Please award accordingly. Thank you.
What level on Farm Heroes Saga first activates the egg cracker
I have reached level 1310 and the egg cracker icon is still not working . My husband can't remember when he first got his but he thought it was a long way back. Also he gets quests which I don't and his cropsy cleaner works. So when do they start.
How to get more gold bars
Farm heroes how can I get more gold bars with out using my money. Is paying the only way???
My level 708 seems different than in online examples and playthroughs
I've been stuck on level 708 for a good while, and I looked up a tutorial and all of of the playthroughs and tutorials I found online have different poppy placement than my game does. I'm worried my game may have a glitch and that the poppy placement might render mine unbeatable. The top poppy is in the top left corner,…