Why are the quests and events are different on my kindle and cell phone.
Events will show up on my smart phone, android but will then go away. Farm hero crashes on kindle, all other king games work fine so can't use kindle to play.
Stuck on level 92 rancid racoon
I have been stuck on level 92 for ages now even though I have beat rancid raccoon a number of times please help
Farm Hero Saga level 885
Farm Hero Saga glitch; I played level 885 day(s) ago and only received credit for 2 stars and I know that I got 3 and should of won all boosters. I did not realize this error until I played level 892 which offers the greyhound as a booster and it was not available to me. Now replaying this level on both my PC and phone to…
How can I change my profile picture on candy and soda?
My profile picture will not change on soda crush or candy crush, tried to follow instructions but not working
Candy Bombs
Paying for candy bombs and gold blocks and not receiving. This is a frequent error. You can see from my history that I don't regularly pay for this item. Only when I know it is going to complete the level. I have contacted you before about this and I don't understand why it still happens. I have lost pounds on this error!!…
Progress lost
I recently got a new device. I synced my farm heros with Facebook before turning in and erasing the old device. Now when I log I through Facebook all my progress is gone.
¿Por qué no gano nunca las recompensas cuando veo personas que ganan todas y algunas varias veces?Describa su pregunta con más detalle aquí (al menos 80 caracteres, por favor)
Trying to send gifts crash the game
I have the latest version of the game. I'm currently on level 1060 and know what I'm doing at this point so please NO generic answer. For some unknown reason the game crashes when I try to send lives or ask for roadblock help. Essentially anything that requires my friends list crashes the game. I have reinstalled but it…
Game won't load
Farm Saga last loaded 5 days ago. Husband has the same issue. We are playing on our laptops on facebook.
All events & quests have disappeared
I was playing the current choo choo event - passed through bronze level but the gift box would not open (just kept flashing), passed silver level and the same happened. Rebooted my iPad, and poof, all events gone. Did not receive my rewards and I now have no access to any any events or quests - a bit unfair as I has used…