Been playing for sometime now. tried using Boosters & not using Boosters & you can't seem to advance past the level, also on other levels, seems impossible to get 3 stars, so why do you have 3 stars & its impossible to reach??
can't sync with facebook
I´m on level 300 something and am logged in with my king-account, but I can´t sync it with my Facebook-account. It always puts me back to level 1. I would be very grateful if anyone here could help me. Thanks in advance! I have this problem with Pet Rescue, Jelly, basically all the king games.
Additional information for troubleshooting
If you experience a technical issue, we may request some additional information to assist you with your enquiry. Occasionally, to fully understand the problems you are encountering, we may require a screenshot from your device. It is also best practice to do this whenever you encounter a problem. Please follow the…
how can i restore my progress if i changed my email
My email was hacked so i disabled it. Now it is deleted. How do i get my progress back
Same thing as a lot of people
Seem like a lot of people play your games and then once you enter the level you black out why is this I'm playing on a new iPad and all updates have been done. Must be a bug via your end and sometimes it even does it half way through the level when it looks promising to win that level. Or when your on your last life very…
need help with a down load on paradise bay.
took my money 2 times and never gave me the products bought. You paid Microsoft *Store,Bill.MS.Net,WA, $2.11 USD. Hello Sheryl Seward, Thanks for using your PayPal Business Debit MasterCard® ending in 6980. Your PayPal transaction ID for this purchase is: 48U6468994556520N Merchant Amount Microsoft…
Missing companions in Farm Heroes Saga
Hello! I downloaded Farm Heroes Saga on the new phone (iPhone 6s) and now there are no companions at all. I am connected with Facebook and my levels of progress, goldbars etc was saved. On my old phone the companions are stiil available. How can I get my companions back?
Facebook connection
I've looked through previous questions, and can see there is an issue, but you keep saying there was a brief server error. Please explain why, if it is a brief server error, I've been unable to connect to any of my king games for well over a month? I'm seriously hacked off now, but don't want to risk losing a high level of…
Nivel 910
Estou enfrentando dificuldades com o nivel 910 de Modo TEM Dois Rosto e tres Pede. Gostaria de saber QUANDO ESSA resolveram questao para quê eu POSSA Passar se faze
Booster bait and switch..
Why is it if you complete a bonus level or open a present and prizes are supposed to be boosters, recharge and beans you only get the boosters if you don't HAVE boosters?? That doesn't seem right. They tell you if you complete the level that THESE are the prizes. They don't say you only get boosters, if you're out of…