Farm Heroes Saga- bonus games- bug
Since my last question and reply from customer care about game crashes (after bonus game pop-up display), I was able to play without any issues for over a month (bonus games included), even though they said the issue is my older phone not supporting regular updates of the game. All of a sudden, since bonus game popped up,…
Missing animals
I am missing 2 animals even the level is completed with 3 stars. Level 692. I am missing 2 animals even the level is completed with 3 stars. Level 692.
no treasure mill
Why am I not receiving treasure mill on my mobile phone only on my tablet,normally I can play it on both,I prefer playing on my phone as the tablet continously crashes,please rectify
Facebook and King.com acct are not synced.
My facebook Acct and King.com acct are at different levels. I have tried several times. I removed the app from the face book page and delete the app. re-installed the app on my device and facebook account. The emails are now the same but the games are at different levels. I have also followed the video to help connect to…
email change
I changed my email Address at King.com, kingcare.com has my old email address. Facebook wont link. Please help.
Facebook Sync on Farm Heros Saga
My King account on device is not syncing to my fb acct. King acct is level 720 and FB acct Level 10
Accidently deleted data from farm heroes saga.
I have accidently deleted the data on my kindle from farm heroes saga and have gone back to level 1, please help!
stuck on level 185
It doesn't matter if there is a lily pad underneath the goat or not. They will shake but not follow the line down
Why did i not get my reeards for completing the growth plant to level 1
Why did I not get my trophys.i completed the whole growth to level 1 and level 2 last two times and only got 1 trophy
Super Showdown not giving reward
Three times already I'm winning the Showdown. When I check it in the a.m. It doesn't say I won or lost it just starts another Showdown. Any help fixing this, please. I have another one ending soon, which I'm currently winning. Sucks not getting the bonuses.