Stak 101e
Help please i have a problem with the level 1013 before It was a 70 and now is 110 i need help right now!!!!
farm heroes on king.com level 732
I need help with level 732 of farm heroes on king.com - strategy will be helpful
I passed game 490 successfully and it said I failed the level . May I know why?
Completed game 490 successfully and it said I did not reach level. May I know why please? I am fed up of playing the same game.
Ian on level 991 it has collect the Suns for bonus box
iam on level 991 it also has the bonus collect the Suns for bonus boxes iam unable to collect any Suns .tried everything I can from this end. Not sure what to do.
So what is going to happen to King Games once flash is gone ?
I would really like to keep playing but with flash acting up all the time and now Google letting it go, do you have plans to add something else so we can still play ? I really don't want to lose my scores, levels and money invested, so what is going to happen ?
Level 449 Farm Heroes
How do I release the sheep on level 449 please? I am baffled, fed up, very bored and ready to quit, shame, it's my fave game :(
Missing lives
I had 32 messages mostly lives from friends. I used 5 of them then went back to inbox to retrieve 5 more and it was empty. Where did they go and why? Also my email is missmo564@gmail.com not net zero. Thank you
Loss progress
I have logged back in yet I was not on my current level but at the beginning of the game.
Extra moves on Rancid levels
How come you are not allowed to play through your extra moves in Rancid levels the way you are in "hero mode" of other levels? I had 6 moves left, but didn't get the key, but if I was allowed my unused moves, I might have made it. Very frustrating!
Farm Hero safa
Ho fatto la sincronizzazione/collegamento da dove gioco normalmente (King.com) al mio facebook, cambiando e-mail di riferimento e non solo mi sono spariti i 420.000 circa fagioli accumulati, ma ho dovuto ricominciare da capo a riscattare tutte le ricompenze dal club fattoria che avevo già riscattato e accumulato in…