Level 1264
On level 1264, you are asked to clear 10 men, but there are only 2. How can you solve this level?
Why no feedback or fix regarding bug in level 1264?
Have complained numerous times about this bug, and so apparently have other players! When will it be rectified? Game requires 10 bullfighters! Only 2 are provided!
Why can't i access my boosters?
For over two weeks now I cannot access my boosters and the game says they would recharge in about 400 hours. Please help.
Why have I stopped making progress towards achievements?
I was playing on King.com after being inactive for a while. As I was playing, I was working on a particular achievement, and monitoring my progress. When I checked my achievements, I had made no additional progress, even though I should have made a ton of progress. What happened to my achievements?!?!
log in to king.com
Hi. how do you log in to king.com? I have try using my facebook email and password but can access it. I can press the recover password as I am currently unable to access my facebook email address. Please help. thanks.
Why does farm heroes saga crash on my tablet?
I have an e-star Beauty HD Quad core tablet that plays all other king games perfectly,except for farm heroes saga. It loads and freezes constantly and when you enter the stage you are at it crashes! Please help I love this game and hate not being able to play!!
Livello 1264 farm heroes saga
Il livello 1264 chiede di prendere 10 tulipani ma ve ne sono soltanto 2. Cosa succede? Come andare avanti?
Farm Heroes Saga for windows phone
Why there is only Candy Crush and Candy Crsh Soda Saga for windows phone? Windows phone users want rest of games too! Please can you do something with it? At least Farm Heroes Saga it is my favourite game and I can play it just on PC because I have windows phone. Thx for answer :)
Stuck on a level 389!
I've reached a level that I just can't get passed and I'm about to quit and delete the game! Is there a way around a level?
Bugs on level 1264
I was playing and the level said that i need 10 heads but i took only 2 and i keeped playing and nothing hapenned. Please help mee.