Magic beans disappeared!
Magic beans disappeared and I can't acquire more even though I get three stars on a level!!! I see others have had this same problem, but don't see any resolution.
Farm Heroes Saga crashes on Kindle Fire (1st generation)
Starting approximately a week ago (roughly March 17), Farm Heroes Saga crashes at load on a Kindle Fire. Error is "process stopped unexpectedly". Have uninstalled/reinstalled, ensured operating system is current - the usual suspects - with no success.
what time does the daily bonus reset on farm heroes saga?
What is the time that the daily bonus resets for farm heroes saga? I have tried tracking to see and have yet to figure it out. I always seem to miss a day or two.
How come my level in this game is no longer the same on all the devices that I play it on?
I have been playing farm heroes on all 3 of my devices (desktop, laptop & I pad). It always use to be on the same playing level but not anymore. why? Today for example, I reached level 659 on I pad and just a couple of hours later, logged onto my laptop and it has me back at level 651. ??? why won't it synch up? I only use…
no sound
dear people, I have no sound on my tablet while playing any king game on my IPad 2 air . what can be the problem? greeting and happy Easter, Tsjerk
Have Farm Heros Saga installed on my Nook HD-Plus. Has been on my apps forever.
Cannot get the app to load. If I delete and reinstall I go back to level 1. At about level 405. Any suggestions?
Rancid level bonuses not working!!!
I had used beans to get the bonus to help me defeat Rancid racoon but it never worked! Tho did take my beans off me. This has always happened in the racoon levels but didn't annoy me as I've always been able to pass them. Now I've been stuck on this level about 2 weeks...finally got beans and lost them without completing…
why can't I play the bonus games on farm heroes anymore
I used to play the bonus games but for about 2 months it stopped letting me open them
Farm Heroes wont load
I haven't been able to get the game to load for about a week on either King or Facebook on my Laptop. No error message just sits on loading page and doesn't move.
Bonus games??
On farm hero saga I can't play bonus games can't figure it out I have did all updates and still can't play bonus game