I am tagging @MarkHawk again, but it’s been Christmas break and the community managers have taken some much needed time off. He will see the tags, but I bet he has quite a few lol. The issue is originally there was only normal and hard levels on mobile. Now for whatever reason all the hard levels have been changed to super hard...but the quest system hasn’t been altered. He will look into it though and if necessary prod the studio
My son's account still has the hard levels.... I'm stuck with super hard, ugh.
I'm not sure if its a recent change which can take a while to filter through accounts, or a test. I think Rancid has locked @MarkHawk up or the studio are holding him hostage before they tell him lol. He will appear at some point though I am sure
I've heard back from the game studio. They are aware of the issue - the hard levels were removed a while back and the plan was to also remove the quests. The issue is on the to-do list and the work-around (although it's not perfect) is to refresh the quests using the little icon to
get a new one.
The problem with refresh is it takes maybe 24 hrs until you can refresh again. I sometimes get the hard level quest immediately after refreshing but for a greater number of levels. There are other issues too like the treasure quests that never arrive. Maybe if there’s no fix for the problem they should take the time limit off for the refresh? That’s my suggestion anyway as I could be content dealing with the problem in that way.