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Farm Heroes Saga not loading on Facebook! FIXED!



  • Marianne321
    Marianne321 Posts: 33

    Level 3

    I'm the same it only loads half way for 2 days now I have tried on different browsers even on a different pc it doesn't load thats why i joined this page to see if anyone else was having issues.

    It's exactly why I just joined too. Am fed up that nothing seems to have been done to fix it yet :anguished: I'm really missing my daily fix.
  • adam64
    adam64 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    Wiem, że w sobotę zaktualizowano grę, wprowadzono nową grę i ten czas gra nie chodzi, ja mam komputer do gier RAM 20Gb procesor 4X 4G Windows 7 Professional. Jak mnie nie idzie do nikomu nie pójdzie ta gra .Wszystkie inne gry king com chodzić bez zarzutu. Jestem na poziomie 2400 dojście tam zajęło mi 5 lat. I do not thinkl o rezygnacji z tej gry, proponuję, aby wrócić do gry przed aktualizacją
  • graceiscott
    graceiscott Posts: 0


    Can't play Farm Heroes on my computer.  Downloads, then green bar sticks.  Can play on my mobile phone.  Have tried asking FB for help, but no replies.  Can anyone come up with a solution?

  • Jeronimo76
    Jeronimo76 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Good morning,
    It's been a week since the game has been blocked for downloading (about halfway through)

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    Thanks @Spinnifix👍

    @graceiscott, this has been flagged to the studio already and you can follow up on the progress here

    Thanks :) 
  • Babongo
    Babongo Posts: 72

    Level 3

    For several days now, FHS (online) has not loaded completely on my PC .    It stops loading at approximately 50%.    I have seen mention online that others are experiencing the same problem.    Are the FHS servers that process the PC game down???    I have tried the installed/app/mobile version available for Win10 at MS store, but it is not as enjoyable as the original (too busy).

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    @Jeronimo76, thanks for reporting this :)

    As you can see, I have moved your comment to this thread which you can follow up as the game team is still working on improving the game so I will let everybody know when the issue has been solved.

    Apologies for the inconvenience caused and thanks for your patience while we look into this 😉
  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459
    Can u play on phone device? 
  • Marianne321
    Marianne321 Posts: 33

    Level 3

    stan1981 said:
    Can u play on phone device? 

    I don't use the phone to play, just my laptop on the platform where I've tried what I could think of. I'm also not keen on Facebook. I'm hoping King will solve the problem on their platform. Feel really down about it as I play every day.

    Level 1

    I have two accounts
      one opens, the other half opens
    it's weird! the first is new account doesnt have problem , the second freeze

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?