Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Thank you Stan .... no, i don't have mobile ;)
Hello @Lemalosaint Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗
I am very sorry to hear that your game is also affected with this "error" message.
It looks like you are playing on King.com! Have you tried to play on Facebook? If not, would you like to try that?
If you do not want to play with Facebook, does your laptop support Windows 10? If so, you can download the game through Microsoft Center and log into the game with your Kingdom account itself. Luckily, error message is not appearing there as of now!
Farm King Studio are aware about this issue and are working very hard to fix it. But, for some reason it is taking much longer than expected!! Here is the main link for your reference, where other players have posted their complaint ---> "ERROR message on King.Com"
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance! Have a Farmtastic Day 🍓 🍏
level 1322 is not working
Level 1645, still not working.. it cannot be open....
and whatever the suggestions are, nothing changes!
@rudi123 Do you play on king.com or facebook. And do you get a popup saying something whent wrong, please reload.
In facebook the problem should not be there but there are a couple of player that say they have it.
In king.com there are problem whit some levels that don´t work, your level are one of them. In king.com it has been problem since february 4. And there is no answer when it will be fixed.
If you play on facebook your option are. If you have a mobile, download the app and play. Or if you have windows 10 you can download the app from the store.
If you play on king.com you option are the same as above but also if you have an account on facebook you can try there.
If you don´t want to play on other device/place the only option are wait.
When it came to king.com there is a special thread about that. Farm Heroes Saga keeps telling me to reload on king.com. REPORTED TO THE STUDIO
@mijao You already know that there are problem on king.com. And sad to say they haven´t fixed it yet.
Hello dear pia @piaandersson
I did not post any help and requested the player to post a separate question because, the main discussion belongs to another topic.
It will be confusing when this thread gets merged with the main "Road Block on King.com" thread. The King team tries to keep all the discussions separately to decrease the confusion as much as possible.
Hope this made sense and clarifies.
** If you see such questions in future that are different from the main topic, please ask them to re-post their question, to lessen the confusion. Thank you :)
@PummyRaj Your post was not in the thread when I wrote mine. So I did not saw yours. If yours had been I wouldn´t wrote.
As of now it is unknown if rudi123:s post belong in the thread about king.com or if she one of thoses that plays on facebook.
And as I wrote in my post I´m unsure if debe84 just find it tricky or if she has a problem on so little information it can be eiter way. That´s why I answered like I did.
If debe84:s are just tricky I know they can break out her post from this thread and make a own thread of it before rudis post are merged to the king thread if it belongs there.
Hello - its been about a month now - I havent played Farm Heros. No one will help - but everytime Itry and play level 1816 I just 'something went wrong - please reload"
I play on King.com ----doesnt matter what device I use - nothing . And King.com doesnt respond
THANKS for any help