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How do I get my money back when I pay the $2.99 for what's in my piggy bank but never get the gold?

NEILP Posts: 10

Level 2

This has happened THREE TIMES NOW! I pay the $2.99 to get the 25 gold bars outta the piggy bank but the bank remains full and the gold bars are not put into the available pot. WTH????

I've had a previous issue with buying and using gold bars and that was when using the gold to continue playing a game I'll first use 9 bars, then 15 more, then an additional 18, and then if I still haven't completed the game I'll need to buy MORE bars then use 22 more to continue playing but it's at this point that the game FREEZES!!!!!! It takes my 22 gold bars and then NOTHING!!! I'm stuck on that window. This too has happened THREE TIMES!!!! I've learned my lesson and NEVER use 22 gold bars to continue playing. Now with the issue of the piggy bank I'm losing TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MONEY to be bothered playing this game anymore. Somethings gotta change!!



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @NEILP 🤗 A Warm Welcome Back to our Wonderful King Community!

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue with your game!

    I completely understand your frustration about losing your purchased Gold Bars again and again, and the game freezing and because of that, losing the level 😕

    By any chance, did you contact the "King Customer Support" team? Because, any and all purchase issues are handled by them only, as the required details for the query includes your personal details. Since this is a Public Forum, it is not safe to post all that information!

    So, anyway, if you have not contacted the Customer Support Team yet, you can do so directly from your game itself - through the "Settings" (the cog wheel/gear icon) located in the top left corner of the Lives icon. This way, they will receive your email ID as well as your game user ID number.

    This is how you contact them ----> Click on Settings --- You should see "Customer Care" option in the popped up menu, select that --- Scroll down to "Purchases & Gold Bars" under "Popular Topics" --- Check if the issue you are having is listed there. IF not, scroll down completely and click on "Contact Us" tab --- After this, you will have to fill out a form --- Please fill it carefully and explain briefly about the issue --- Submit the form.

    You should be receiving an automated email as an acknowledgement (it should also include a ticket number). Please wait for 3 to 5 days to hear from an actual agent. From what I heard, usually, it takes less amount of time for all the Purchase issues! But, in any case, if you have not heard back from them within 5 days (max), please post back here and let us know.

    Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. You can simply type your reply in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Hope everything works out fine and soon, you will receive all your purchased items back 🤞 👍️

    Thank you for posting in the Community and have a Farmtastic Day and a great rest of the week 🍓 🍐 🍓

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 169,256

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Like Pummy Raj has answered to ask on Contact Us and don't forget to send your Game ID (How to find your Game ID) that we hope they will give rewards back on your game. 😊

    🔥 Hot topics here right Now 🌶

    🌟 Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here and Here (General)! 🌟

    Have a farmtastic day! 😊

    NEILP Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Thanks for the reply and pointing me in the right direction!

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    You are welcome dear @NEILP 😃

    If you need any further assistance, we are here 🙂

    NEILP Posts: 10

    Level 2

    While I appreciate the detailed instructions unfortunately what you describe is NOT a reality.

    YOU SAID:This is how you contact them---> Click on Settings --You should see "Customer Care" option in the popped up menu,

    When I click on the gear icon the menu that pops up contains 3 green buttons: one with the volume icon, one with musical notes icon, and one that reads: "Back to map". Then below that a yellow button that reads "Community". THAT'S IT! No "Customer Care". So much for that.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Oh! Are you playing on a computer @NEILP?

    I have assumed that you might be playing on a mobile device and gave you all that description 😅 Sorry about that!

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello again @NEILP 🤗

    OK! When we are playing on a computer, we do not find the "Customer Care" as it is the option given for mobile devices.

    So, when we have an issue, we have to contact the Customer Support through this link ---> Contact King Customer Support

    ** Now, you skip all the steps I have suggested in my first comment and simply fill out this given form.

    Only difference is that the team will not get our game user ID number automatically. You will have to write it in the box that was given for explanation.

    All the rest is the same for mobile device players and computer players.

    Please let me know if you need any clarification. Have a Farmtastic Day 🍓 🍐 🍓

    NEILP Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Yes! I am playing on a computer so thank you for the link. However I found my way to that form the other day and have spent the last TWO DAYS trying to contact them. EVERY time I click on "submit" the next window that comes up says:
    Oops… Something went wrong when sending your form. Please try to resend it.

    So I clicked on the link you provided, filled out the form and hit "submit", and GOT THE SAME ERROR MESSAGE!!!

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @NEILP Hi and welcome, if you are having issues with the link scroll to the very bottom of the page and you will see contact us.. click on this and go through the auto bot process and you will get to speak to a support assistance select this. See if this works better for you than the link

    Thank you

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello again @NEILP!

    I am sorry to hear that the issue persists with sending the complaint to the Customer Support.

    But, looks like you have opened another thread today to explain more about the issue. Since both the threads are discussing about same thing, I will keep this thread closed, to lessen the confusion for us as well as you.

    Thank you for understanding. Please let's continue talking in the new discussion you have created today (at this link in Green letters) ---> Customer Support giving ERROR Message

    ** Closing the thread, considering it as "Duplicate Post"!

This discussion has been closed.

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