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No beans

Florenne Posts: 4

Level 1

edited March 2021 in Discussions

I don't recieve beans anymore, or only once in two days 100.

Since the new version of the game Farm heroes


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,215

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Don't worry! I will tagging Farm Heroes Expert Players if they can help you. 😊

    @encantes, @MountainMom, @PummyRaj, @Chicken_Slayer and @Rancid

    By the way, this area is Player's Corner. If you have any questions on this game, please ask here on Farm Heroes Support Community better. 😉

    🔥 Hot topics here right Now 🌶

    🌟 Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here and Here (General)! 🌟

    Have a farmtastic day! 😊

    You can also check to learn guides around King Community, Join Contests to chance to win gold bars and more on my below signature here. 👇

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,485

    Hello @Florenne and Welcome to our farmtastic community!

    There are three ways to get magic beans:

    1. You are rewarded with magic beans when you complete a level. The more stars you earn, the more beans you are rewarded.

    2. If you have the maximum of 5 lives, any lives sent to you by friends will automatically be converted to 100 magic beans and deliveries to you in that form.

    3. You can purchase them from the Farm Heroes Saga shop.

    I hope this explains how to get beans.

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Ce post a été transféré dans la communauté francophone, svp retourner dans le support de la communauté FHS @QueenB @Lola_Pop merci😊🐰

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