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🚫 Know issue SOLVED - Lost Boosters or Lost Progress during the latest 5.73 update!



  • nathesi
    nathesi Posts: 18

    Level 2

    In that case, I hope they can at least solve the level part, but it would surprise me. They told me the boosters aren't stored online so that you'll be able to play offline (that argument makes no sense, or it would ve the same fir levels and gold, which isn't the case) and that's why they can't be restored if something goes wrong on your device. If you don't have an account they probably have no way of restoring anything.

    Have you installed any updates since the faulty one? Maybe the 'known issue' option is only in that one and not in the following updates? If you want, you could contact them through the support button here, they seem to answer people there at least.

  • Rosechaulk
    Rosechaulk Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Has anyones issue with been corrected…booted back to the beginning of the game, losing all levels. It’s been over a week now! Thank you!

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    Yeah I don't get that argument either, it sounds like they're just saying things to pacify us, but we aren't stupid! Kinda makes things worse. I guess my phone automatically updates because I'm on version 5.75.4 but can still report the issue from 5.73 in the game app. If they've already told you that they don't intend to restore boosters then I'll just leave it at that but that's very upsetting. Now what I am wondering, if they consider the problems fixed, what about the Quests? I only have one that shows up (that will probably disappear after I complete it like the other 2 did). Did you get all 3 quests back?

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    It appears my last reply didn't post, I got a message that it needs to be approved. Huh? I guess we're being moderated now.

    Anyway, in case it doesn't show up, I said my phone must automatically update because I'm on version 5.75.4 but can still report the issues with 5.73. I'm wondering if they consider the issue fixed, what happened with Quests, are they going away? Did you get Quests (all 3) back?

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hi @garner01 and @elmosgal and Welcome in this Community πŸ“ 🍎 🍏 πŸ“ 🍎 🍏

    We are sorry about the issue in your game, it happened to me last week and I lost all my boosters.

    This is an effect ot the last game update 5.73, there is a thread about it:Β Issue under investigation lost boosters in the last update 5.73

    If you click on the green link you can read helpful info of the problem.

    The Farm Studio is working hard to fix it as soon as possible and can youΒ check this messageΒ from our Community Manager.

    If you have more questions don't hesitate to write we are all here to help you, you can write in the white comment box below πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hi @IslandGirlHHI and Welcome in this Community πŸ“ 🍎 🍏

    We are sorry about the issue in your game, it happened to me last week and I lost all my boosters.

    This is an effect ot the last game update 5.73, there is a thread about it:Β Issue under investigation lost boosters in the last update 5.73

    If you click on the green link you can read helpful info of the problem.

    The Farm Studio is working hard to fix it as soon as possible and can youΒ check this messageΒ from our Community Manager.

    If you have more questions don't hesitate to write we are all here to help you, you can write in the white comment box below πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  • Nuritta
    Nuritta Posts: 7

    Level 2

    According to one of the players (bellablond), they don't seem to be working hard on it or even working at all.

    She said: "I heard (simplified) that it was my fault that I was updating the game, because any interference in the game may result in the loss of boosters and they have it in the regulations. King does not feel guilty that he issued a wrong update and has no intention of compensating for the lost benefits by giving away at least some of the boosters. They ended the conversation saying that they will not help me and close the topic."

    So, I don't really think any of us will get back what we lost (rather than lost, maybe the best term here is what they stole).

  • nathesi
    nathesi Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Strange, I

    Strange, I did get a notification for your other post. To answer your question (I had to go check because I don't feel like playing for some reason right now), I do have quests, but only 2 of them. You don't? We have the same version, strange that they don't show the same things.

    Also, I'm not really a dificult person. If they said something like "Sorry, we messed up and we have no way of knowing who had what, so we can't give it back to you. We will do our best to make sure this doesn't happen again." I would be kind of okay with that (less so if I had to start over). Instead, they are treating us like idiots so I'm inclined to stop playing altogether.

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hi @Nuritta 🌺

    The Studio is working hard about the issue that involved many players, I read the post and for me it's frustating because is not the player fault is we update the game.

    We hope to have more informations about the issue next week and to give more info.

    Sorry again πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    I have 1 Quest but it will probably disappear once I complete it like the other two did, that may happen to yours as well.... though I haven't been playing either to find that out, I have to beat the level I'm on for my Quest but losing my boosters and not being able to earn more boosters & beans through quests has me really unmotivated to play. The level I'm on is a difficult one. And I totally understand what you're saying, I'm not difficult either, in my reply that didn't post I also mentioned how they treat us like we're idiots (well I said st**pid, not sure if that got my post flagged), that's the big issue for me as well.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?