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Happy Women's Month to all women in King Community.
The seeds I planted and would continue planting are peace, love, harmony and concern to all people close to my heart. ❤️💞
Seeds I have planted, are following steps of my wonderful mother. I have not always had a easy rd , but I have always fought through the rough times & always remained caring to others. Always be kind to others we never know what pain may be hiding behind the smile..
My accomplishments and my daughter
My seeds are my 3 children, a son and 2 daughters. My daughters gave me 3 wonderful grandchildren. I am very proud of what they became as persons, independant of their graduation titles.
Thank you @Diamond Lim for tagging ❤
I planted a seed which I'm so proud of... my Beautiful daughter.. ❤❤❤ she is only 4 months
Twenty years ago I planted a seed....and my beloved and beautiful son was born. I am very proud of the man I have become and have raised.❤🥰
I have planted three wonderful seeds and they are all wonderful people.
Congratulations to all the women of the King kingdom
@QueenB This one seed is my son the best seed ever that I planted in my life nothing compare's to this and I love watching him grow, sprouting into a young boy and one day into a young man who I believe will be even a better man than myself atleast I hope so as I love him very much....
Thank you for the tag @Diamond Lim