Collect flowers for rewards!
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Candy Crush.
Hi Sage, firstly i have no idea what Hero Mode is. I play the game everyday for the enjoyment. Up until a few weeks ago i was able to play unlimited lives, then you take all my extra lives away and give me 20 each day. Then, you tell me i have to give out lives to 'friends' and hope that 'they' give me enough to play every single day. (which doesn't happen).
When you ask do i want King to spend more money to keep my game play. Yes i do, i put quite a lot of my own money into playing this game.
Is it bad of me to want to play your game every day and ask you to provide me with more levels? btw, i have completed the game once, quite a while ago and i waited for more levels do be made. which i didn't mind as it was an achievement.
When you are charging the amount of money you charge..? By the way.. The word 'Force' is an awful use of a word. 'Forcing us'? Really?
Hi and thank you for your feedback! I don't think I have seen anyone happy with it yet 🤔
Absolutely hate it. Get rid of it.
I am getting the feeling you don't like it? 🤔 heh heh. All feedback is being read by the studio ( we don't have any sway over them directly but they do listen to feedback) Why is it you don't like it so much?
And welcome to the community 🤗
Please do not skip Heros Mode. I realy love the music of Heros Mode as I stop the game to hear it. Please bring back Heros Mode and don't take away my sweet time!
Thank you for the feedback @reysollove and welcome to the community!
Let me tagging Farm Heroes Moderators : @encantes @Lady_Choo @PummyRaj helping and answering you for this problem soon.
I hate it. I'm going to find another game until this goes away.
Hi @Sage320 and good morning to you.
its not an update but a test the studio are running to see how we like it. So far nobody does it seems. I will give you the thread to come and leave your feedback on 🤗
I made an account to voice how much I dislike the new farm hero mode, I used to love playing this game and now I hate it :/ it’s ruined. I used to love trying to collect all three stars and this update robs you of that. Also the app keeps freezing and it will not let me access certain parts of the game. Please fix and bring back the old FHS.