Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
This time we are going to make you work for the rewards but it will be worth it.
Look at this image 👇🏻
We are giving you three clues. Each clue will lead to a discussion that will have that image in it. To get the rewards you need to follow the instructions carefully to complete the tasks fully.
For clue 1 & 2, you will need to comment with the titles/post the links to both in the comment section below. please use the spoiler so everyone has a chance to look.
For clue 3 you need to comment in the discussion itself "I found Amelia! If it is the correct discussion then you will get this badge 💖
These are the clues:
(Please remember to post the links or the discussion names for those first two)
This is where you comment "I found Amelia" in order to gain your badge.
(Note that if you do not fulfill all 3 parts your badge will be revoked)
As well as a badge in each community, you can also earn a special hub badge! You need to post the title of the discussion/ the link to the thread where you found the badge (only) for each of the global contest games HERE and once you have done that, you will earn the special hub badge.
The contest runs until 16:00 CET 23rd February
Good luck everyone!!
@encantes and @PummyRaj and our farming family 😁
@007jayc @10eke @abe_coffee @actipton80 @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angel1207 @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @aijaziqbal @Bassin12 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @best_player @bosschick @Boombalatty @BQN537 @BubbleGumSoda @Cagnes @candycrushinit@CassD @Cats4Caz @channie8 @christine88 @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @colorbombsprinkles @crabapple @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @Deobella @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @dilli02 @donte06 @Doris_Koch @eggybean @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234@GetHanked @Grachuh @GranBarb @Greymane @haraikaria @hbic29 @hechicerilla @ItsTrish24
@imabearnut @janka879 @Jared_Buttry @jess94 @jeanps @jessortiz @JoJo75durham @Joy_21@JuLaCrafting @Julie_Andrews @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaosha1981 @kaitmr @KENTFIELDER@kdorr @kellygirl813 @kiara_wael @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @Lady_Choo @Lady_Sarina @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lhalha @lilac1015 @lilica7805 @lilikoikisses @lollyspears @LoveDachs @lubblady38 @Lynette @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @me6412 @meemahh @Melbennett @MiaChristine @Monia040588 @MountainMom@Mr_Peely @MrKizart @mymeshell1975 @Moh1977
@Nat09@nguyenanhduy1591999 @Niunia88 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim@pearl_chetna @Palash_Sarma @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @Pitty_Kitty @PuppaJudge @Racoon7 @rajdeeptb @rebelchild @rfjh5 @Rinno2013@RobinTruitt@RobinCorte@rosemariepahayo1 @Rosenrot @SabrinaM @Sameeksha3 @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @SBH@ShannonCriswell @sinalco @siruelita_1234 @Sofia1992@Star_11 @stokrotka @stingynina @Sukanta_Biswas @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @teresawallace44@thamby @Timhung @tkbm7872 @valio75av@wissem_smida @yonahselcy @wykoon @ZeOne @Werner_Cichy
@Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @max12 @Lemurtek @EOTheGr8 @GlenysB @Spinnifix @Max65 @Owly123 @Matasot @misspink78 @kikiray23 @betchiegrl29 @ndaoz @deblg @Lala_Ogayar @beve61 @fabke @Havish @ElenaVorona @NRP @AaronMedina @4dardar @bramam @urskarecnik @Tory2020 @Mildred_2_2 @sueillidge @FarkasneKa2020 @Riri2 @Tasty_Cake @KCullen127 @laley @fabke @MiladyR @Marcemarce22 @Angel_Natasha @CerbeRus777 @GrammaGaming @Rowena63 @Magic_Mixer @Jon-7 @eugene @Coreena_Lilly @farm_lad @Dani05 @FarmerB @Jose65_6@jbsmith @llonark @maf34100 @LeFlarcane @Utopiaso @galaxyangel @BekkiC @Rose_Weber @Hell66 @Jelly_bean_hearts @Headless @jassy7881 @Bethel @tony55555@Marcemarce22 @Carrotlady @pratimadangol @spoc42 @Jonesi @spoekie @Sparky_2_2 @eightmilenkc @Nico4991 @luvaldez @gordan10 @pillow6 @MollyS @La Ley @Yuchu @lwhite267 @romeo1983
@ashilyas @Kiki_g @BuffaloGal57 @Halley_Cookie @RedaZayed @ashilyas @Gabrian_Diaz @Melanie_4823 @Pazcarolina0618 @namal_butt_01 @teeweiping @Amoonmoon @Thmo @Lisal6715 @Lumiskell71gmail @Maja_Nikolic @Nico_G @tynat03 @Terri_1 @avacamille @swcompassionate @OrdinaryChick1986 @secretcroplover @chuckanutly @Bellamy32 @Amcclurkin @merily @Xxander @Terri_1 @cdrake13 @Skittles73 @Wendiew @balonasulzâmbăreț177 @Tamara73 @ndd_2023 @aassim @Shagunpro @Princess_Jessica @Tanu_chauhan_1001 @EnergizerBunny @BlueSuedeBabe @keshavrf @Stefan_B @moe75 @steventseng @SApple2 @huynhduc @Makiii @Tutuzaz @ms_tweetybird @AnguaB @Johan_DelaCena @200mimis
I don't understand
I found Amelia!
1-🙌 ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW - The basics of Farm gameplay at a glance!
2-Episode 73 levels 1136- 1150
3-Get FREE Farm Roses Season Wallpapers! 😍🌹
Here we go 🍬🍭👆🥳
1-🙌 ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW - The basics of Farm gameplay at a glance!
3. I posted below link
Hi @Lady_Choo thanks for the fun. Did you create the badge?
Heres mine.
Clue one 🙌 ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW - The basics of Farm gameplay at a glance! — King Community
Clue two Episode 73 levels 1136- 1150 — King Community
The thread where I wrote "I found amelia" 💖Are you feeling the love? — King Community