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Recently I have notices of new event loading into my account, then there’s icon circled in red at the left bottom of my screenshot above appears. But there’s no new event available to play. I did remove the app and re-install it, or sign out then sign into my account either but couldn’t fix it. For your information, I’ve been playing it with my iPhone. Does anyone know what happened with my app? Thanks in advance.
Hello again Annie 🤗 Thank you for the screenshot and for the explanation 👍️ ❤️
The event you have right now is "Farm Tournament", which has just started today along with the "Level # 4000" event.
Unfortunately, the level 4000 event had some glitches! Because of that, the Farm Team had to pull the event off from the game to rectify that issue.
Please keep an eye on this thread ---> Level 4000 Event Once the event is back on, I will update 👈️ this thread.
With regards to the "Farm Tournament" event ---> It does not start for us and show our actual placement until we play a level and collect the needed Cropsies. For this round, we have to collect Strawberries. If I remember correctly, we must win the level for our Cropsies to be counted 🙂
With regards to missing out on events ---> When this happens again, can you please take a screenshot and post an update here for us? Right now, it will not be possible to investigate what's going on!
Hope I made sense! Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍎 🍏 🍎
Hello @Annie_Ng 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our wonderful Farm King Community!
First of all, Thank you very much for opening a new thread and posting your question to discuss in detail 👍️
Now, coming to the event icon you have marked above... Can you tell me what is happening when you click on that icon?
Hello again Annie 🤗 Thank you for the screenshot and for the explanation 👍️ ❤️
The event you have right now is "Farm Tournament", which has just started today along with the "Level # 4000" event.
Unfortunately, the level 4000 event had some glitches! Because of that, the Farm Team had to pull the event off from the game to rectify that issue.
Please keep an eye on this thread ---> Level 4000 Event Once the event is back on, I will update 👈️ this thread.
With regards to the "Farm Tournament" event ---> It does not start for us and show our actual placement until we play a level and collect the needed Cropsies. For this round, we have to collect Strawberries. If I remember correctly, we must win the level for our Cropsies to be counted 🙂
With regards to missing out on events ---> When this happens again, can you please take a screenshot and post an update here for us? Right now, it will not be possible to investigate what's going on!
Hope I made sense! Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Talk to you soon. Have a Farmtastic rest of the day 🍎 🍏 🍎
Hello @aliwareham 🤗 A Warm Welcome to our Farmtastic King Community!
Unfortunately, the special event had some issues, hence, the Farm Studio had to pull it off. Please don't be in despair and don't get disappointed.... It is not just you but all the players had the same experience.
Please follow this thread for all the updates regarding this special event ----> Level 4000 Event
Thank you for posting in the Community! Have a Cropsilicious day 🍓 🍓 🍓
Hello again dear @Annie_Ng and @aliwareham
Would you like to participate in our contests and win some Gold Bars for your Farm game?
If so, here are the links (click on the Green letters) 👇️ 👇️
You are Welcome Annie 🤗
And, yes! Please do participate in the contests. We run them continuously (they change every 3 weeks). Keep on participating and you will definitely win 👍️
With regards to losing Boosters -- unfortunately, that is the side affect of deleting & reinstalling the game App 😥