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PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
edited February 2022 in Contests

Howdy FarmersΒ πŸ€—Β πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ

Here comes the 6th task of our Tournament! For this task, you will have to collect the "Weed Grass" patches.
Did you see the above image? Now, please read carefully πŸ™‚
Those are the "Grass Weed Patches"! And do you see those cute tiny yellow petals on top of those green grass bales? Those represent the layers of the Weed patches. Each layer takes that many hits to clear the blocker from the board.

NOTE: This blocker will be available from level 1000 and above.

I am aware that some of you are not that high in the game. So, I have an alternative task for those who have not reached the first milestone ONLY. What is that work-around? Simple.... play the special event "Starry Night". The Weed patches are available from level 3.

Now, going back to the above image.... as you can see, there are 2 parts in that image.

** If your level has the weed patches with 3 or more layers (as shown in A), it is enough if you collect 8 of those and win the level;

** If your level has 1 or 2 layered patches (as shown in B), you will have to collect 14 of those blockers, and win that level. The Starry Night event levels have only 1 and 2 layered patches).

How to post your entriesΒ πŸ“©

NOTE: Just like the last 2 tasks, you will have to post 3 screenshotsΒ πŸ“‘

**Β First one - as soon as you open the level board;

** Second one - when there is 1 OR 0 moves left in the levelΒ - to show how many Weed patches were cleared;

**Β 3rd screenshot -- after finishing the level - where we receive Magic Beans/stars;

** Don’t worry if you could not take a quick screenshot with Amelia,Β because we are only counting the Stars;

Prizes 🎁

**Β Every Farmer that meets the goal will win our β€œWeed Trimmer” Badge;

**Β Also,Β Five Farmers will be picked randomlyΒ andΒ rewarded 25 Gold Bars each.


**Β IfΒ you achieve 3 Stars on the level, you will receive 5 points;

**Β If you do not achieve 3 stars, but won a Super Hard level with 2 starsΒ OR cleared 20 Patches in a regular level, you will still receive 5 points;Β 

NOTE: The Super Hard Level must have 10 or more Triple layered Grass patches;

Duration ⏳

ThisΒ task will end on Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 at 18:00 pm CET;

Other timings β€”Β @12:00 pm (USA EST) and @17:00 pm GMT

Hope you all will like this challenge and have fun πŸ₯ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ₯

All the Very Best ☘️ ☘️

Terms and conditionsΒ for all our contestsΒ πŸ‘‘

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