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🦹‍♀️🦹 New Hero Mode



  • krystlerose
    krystlerose Posts: 98

    Level 3

    edited June 2023

    Adding more reasons to not want this..when doing the quests and need 90 ice or 120 oysters the game goes into this hero mode before I can get more of my quest items. There are 14 oysters for level 627 say, so I get my 14 and other items and game ends..usually I can get 20-30 oysters the normal way. Same with spiders, eggs isn't right. There's no game playing this new way. HATE it.

  • eric22t
    eric22t Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited June 2023

    ABSOLUTE NO VOTE!! I've been playing for 2years, for relaxation. Been as high as 1385ish. once i hit a string of 3 plus days to pass one level, I reset. last reset got the new hero mode. hit level 66 and wound up with 2 stars. for 4 days i have played every freetime tthat was earned in payed upgrade farm pass plus nearly every power up earned there also. still at 2 stars, have't even been able to get a better score on it. today i passed 124 and that companion level also only scored 2 stars. subsequent replays have fared no better. i will probably not be staying to earn out either the farm pass i payed cash for or the weekly bonus that is i think 2 days away. either this reverts back to i playout my extra moves or i am gone

  • krystlerose
    krystlerose Posts: 98

    Level 3

    And now with this feature harvest rush doesn't work. I collected 300 green apples (which I can normally get much more) when this new hero thing ends my game and even though I 'won' harvest rush doesn't collect the apples. I have also been playing years and this is downright horrible.

  • chrob
    chrob Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am also unhappy with this change and do not know whether I should be tapping on the ‘skip here’ or not.

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    Another bad thing about this new Hero Mode I just discovered, it is not helpful for 1-2-3 Grow either. If I'm playing a level where cropsies to collect are strawberries & apples, but there are also suns and/or water on the board - when I complete the level and I have a few moves left, I use Hero Mode to try and collect more suns & water to feed my cropsie. However with this new Hero Mode, it only adds points and collects the strawberries & apples (in this example, because those are cropsies we are collecting for the level). Totally ruins the ability to get more suns & water for 1-2-3 Grow. Please pass this feedback to the developers.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    Don't worry we are making sure we pass it to our farm queen who will pass it to the studio!

  • kulicka12
    kulicka12 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Zdravím. Ani mě se tento hero mode nelíbí. Hlavně z důvodu možnosti nedokončit level na 3hvezdick a nebo posbírat více plodin do úkol😪😪. Jsem pro vypnutí

  • ihatethenewheromode
    ihatethenewheromode Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited June 2023

    Please change it back. It’s horrible. I’ve missed out on so many things because of this. I made an account just to leave a comment! Please see my account name.

  • SleepdeeplySherwood
    SleepdeeplySherwood Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Dear Game Designers:

    If you insist on having a "skip heroes mode" function then at least put it under settings, where users can turn it on/off. The new mode is HORRIBLE. Seriously. HORRIBLE.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?