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QueenB give what a chance.? Why not have the option to not use hero mode?
This new Hero Mode just cost me 3 stars on a level. I had 2 moves and the field was all +'ed up, but the new Hero Mode just finished the level for me and couldn't manage to get the 3 stars, which was really do-able in my case.. Please bring the old Hero Mode back, or just an option to use this one if you click a specific button, but not like this..
Hi @QueenB I am not a fan of the new "Hero Mode" for the same reasons as @FarmerB has mentioned, and so many of us players have said the same.
However, as my original post said I can see the potential for such a feature for other players, for example if you are new to the game, or if you have failed so many times to pass you actually end up with 30 extra moves and spend 9 GB and you don't require them for achieving a goal, like grow a crospsie, tournaments/contests etc.
The changes to the way the companions worked, I really didn't like, it didn't help my game play, only aided to make it harder, however I have got used to this, but remember how much more enjoyable it was to play before this change.
In my previous post I also wrote, that I think the "Hero Mode" feature should be optional, like with the new speed, in the accessibility feature, so we may have a choice whether to use this new feature or the old one. This would allow us more control over our game play and strategies. I have to be honest and say I find the new "Hero Mode" disturbing, I have an ASD and this should be an option in Accessibility as is the speed. I hope this may be something that the Farm Studio would consider.
I miss the team event. I enjoy team events in my games. I now play more on other games which have them.
Please could the Studio make "Farmer's Market" a permanent feature.
I kept playing and gave new feautur chanse, BUT, the more I played
I liked it less and less,
I'd need some cropsies to get something done,
Hunter wasn't that helpful 🙄
I agree with other experienced players,
And best of all@FarmerB
explained everything from the beginning
Thanks to him, and other players who agree with us
I will not visit this community for a while, and also participate in various competitions and other events
Thanks for having fun so far
And good luck with new players who can reach you with these new and new and new rules.
I'm sorry to hear that @KrafturMikill 😞 while I'm not a fan, it's going to be here and I refuse to give my game up for it.
Hello @Lady_Choo can you please out the hero mode to what ut was please? Or at least give an option of going back to previous hero mode where we can make our own decision on what we would like to collect? At the moment i dont have such an option at it is annoying. If i am participating in growing seeds, all my extra moves will be focus on collecting as much suns or waters to get eextra rewards from growing the seeds. The new hero mode takes away this from me.
Thank you!
As long as I Can Play myself in hero mode I enjoy it. But atm my hero mode is played for me and that is one thing I really dislike. That is why I prefer farm hero’s saga to farm hero’s super saga. So please remove the automated hero mode and let me play my last moves myself 🤓
I have just created account to put this thread on, no no no to hero mode, who gains from it? Whoever thought it was a good feature obviously doesn’t play game. I use to play a lot I won’t play it anymore, no longer enjoyable
If I could I would but sadly that is down to the studio 😭
Hi, yes it is right now. You can read about it here.