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🦹‍♀️🦹 New Hero Mode



  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    I am glad you were able to get all you companions my friend 😊. I guess I’ll try to work with what I have.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2023

    @Lady_Choo You say "Its not stealing as players will be aware by now" That´s not true. It is only players that already have bought gold bars and seen that they can´t use all 5, that know. All other ones probably think like I wrote before. If you buy something it is yours to use (that how things normally works). So the they don´t know that the game take some of them back even do you have paid for them.

    For me it looks it´s game over now. I haven´t had events for a couple of weeks and I can´t get it back the way I usually do. My guess it is because I haven´t updated my game. And now the only thing I get when I do quest is beans. Guess it the same reason. I will not update my game because I don´t want the new hero mode.

    And for mee it little strange. They have put in some new things in the game that looks good for the players. Like the farmers market where you can get extra rewards. You can play old levels if you improve the stars. Guess what. You can´t improve the stars whit the new hero mode. And they have changed 1-2-3 grow so you can get gold bars. Guess what you need crops to grow. And there are some that had said that they used hero mode to collect suns and water. Now that way is closed.

    And for new players. You need three stars in farm club levels to get all companion and to get the reward from the farm club. Guess what. They don´t get it now.

    It is not only that the new hero mode do it worse for players. They have changed the daily bonus so you get less.

    So for me I don´t know wich player the game is for now. For me it seems that the studio have getting bored to do more new levels and try there best to get players to leave.

  • Lucie3
    Lucie3 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I just cracked up laughing. I said before I wouldn't be buying any more and will play a level over and over again until I win it 'cause I'm THAT stubborn. I got this message before to use 9 gold bars to buy even more moves (up to 30 extra moves) and I've done it before. I just got that message after playing this one level over and over again. LOL LOL WHY would I use 9 gold bars now to get 30 moves and use maybe two for 28 moves to go to the new hero mode ??? Too funny! Keep it up Farm Heroes. I'm just as stubborn as you guys lol

  • boozan
    boozan Posts: 0


    edited August 2023

    This mode *. Signed up to this forum just to say how much it sucks. Makes me want to not play. Impossible to get 3 stars even on low number levels. It penalises you for playing well?!

    *Edited by CM:🤨 Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Our House Rules 

  • KingShuvo
    KingShuvo Posts: 527

    😑This feature doesn’t seem good for me.

  • kimkerns52
    kimkerns52 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Can we get rid of the New Hero mode? I hate it! I had 9 moves left and couldn't use them to get a second or third star.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Hi and welcome to the community. (Unfortunately) the new version is here to stay, but there is room and hope for improvement. How would you improve it if you could?

  • kinha75
    kinha75 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I got scared with this hero mode. It gets in the way of completing missions. For example: There is a week that I try to get 3 stars in a certain phase to release the oricterope and I can't. I'm so frustrated that I'm considering quitting the game.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Hello and a warm welcome to the community 🤗

    Please don't leave us! This is not the final version of the hero mode. The studio are considering how it can be made better following on from the feedback given, it will just take time. I realise its not the best right now ☹

  • Aimee0924
    Aimee0924 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    The only way to improve this new Hero Mode is to get rid of it entirely. This is a strategy game, and the new mode just robs players of the chance to use their skills to get the highest score possible and the most stars. Saving moves for Hero Mode helps improve a players chances of getting those 3 stars and this robs any player of the opportunity. In candy crush the left-over moves are actually played out and give a player a chance for a higher score. This does nothing but, rob you of extra moves.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?