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Game playing on mobile but not IPad

Kazzawazza Posts: 14

Level 2


Since I installed the game on my mobile, it’s frozen and stopped working on IPad.  

I am stuck at level 1255 on IPad but I am on 1258 on my mobile.  Do I delete the game from my mobile or from IPad to keep level 1258 and my daily boosters?

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓
    Hello @Kazzawazza

    Here are the screenshots from my iPad...

    1) Game with both King account & Facebook synced 👇👇

    2) Screenshot when I have disconnected from Facebook... did you notice the King icon?  👇👇

    ** In the picture you showed (on July 7th), it appears that there is NO Internet connection either!!!  I am saying this by looking at the Blue gift box in left top corner!!  

    Till now, I have faced this issue only with Facebook... but never heard it affecting Kingdom account too 😲😲

    By looking at this, I strongly believe “Deleting & Reinstalling” the game App will definitely help... but you will be loosing all your stocked up boosters and they will not be reimbursed ☹️

    What would you like to do?  Do you want go with the Re-installation or wait what @QueenB says!!

    Looking forward to hear from you again!  Hope the issue will be fixed soon in your game!


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Hi @Kazzawazza😃

    I think you should try the following first on the iPad and see if we can get it to reconnect so it can catch up:

    - Disconnect the game from Facebook (if connected).

    - Reinstall Facebook app if you have it installed.

    - Clear cache from your Safari: (super important)

    - Restart the device and try connecting the game back to Facebook so your progress can sync.

    Hope this does the trick :)

  • Kazzawazza
    Kazzawazza Posts: 14

    Level 2


    I don’t have Facebook but I cleared Safari cache and rebooted but I still have the same problem.

    Level 1255 is flashing but when I click on it or any of the previous levels nothing happens.

    On my mobile phone however, everything is fine, I get my daily boosters and can move up levels without any problems. 
  • Kazzawazza
    Kazzawazza Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Hi @QueenB

    Is anybody able to assist on this issue please? 

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @Kazzawazza, I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game :( 

    Not sure why you are not able to go to your current level even after following the steps suggested by @QueenB!!  

    Currently all of the King Team are out of the office because of the weekend.  Can you please post your game user ID, so that they can look into once they come back on Monday?  
    Here is the link to find your ID (it will be in digits) when you are logged through King account 

    OR you can delete the game App and reinstall it!  Usually, this will remove all the bugs & glitches that currently exists!  But, with this, you will be loosing all your stored up boosters in your game and they will not be reimbursed by King!!

    Please let me know your thoughts!  Have a nice weekend!
  • Kazzawazza
    Kazzawazza Posts: 14

    Level 2

    edited July 2019
    Hi @Pummy Raj

    Unfortunately I don’t have a King logo to click on.  I have everything apart from that.
  • Kazzawazza
    Kazzawazza Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Hi @Pummy Raj

    I had to get my user name from my mobile - 4229621833
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited July 2019
    Hello again @Kazzawazza, Thank for posting your ID :+1: 

    In your post from this morning, where were you looking for it?  If you were on your iPad, you still should be able to see your ID!!
  • Kazzawazza
    Kazzawazza Posts: 14

    Level 2

    edited July 2019
    Hi @Pummy Raj

    This morning I was on my IPad.  I clicked on the cog, then main menu, then play.  I also pressed cog, back to map.  Still no King logo to click on
  • AnaL
    AnaL Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I have no King logo to click on either, so I am curious to see the answer to this also.
  • Kazzawazza
    Kazzawazza Posts: 14

    Level 2


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?