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How do you feel about the Animal Companions? Thoughts?

QueenB Posts: 15,836
edited August 2021 in Feedback

Your opinion matters to us and all your comments will go straight to the team that works on the game. 

How cool is that?!

The studio would like to know the following:

Do you use animal companions when you play your levels?

Which ones do you normally use and why?

Do you collect the companions?

How would you prefer the animals to help you?

What do you think the companions should be able to do for you?

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  • Eggcracker
    Eggcracker Posts: 280
    I use the Producers, they are usually the most useful to me. Then the Hitter if you want chicks or 'scallops/oysters'. Igniter for rockets, but I never use the Breaker. Of course dogs/CCs are always handy, as are the use of an occasional Tractor, when you just need a few crops to win. 
  • Speedy70
    Speedy70 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    my new level 2576 are free in the PC but not in Andriod cell phone Samsung S9 Plus
    Thanks a lot.
    Many greens      B)<3
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,947
    I use the growers/producers the most  and then the cleaners or hitters.  I definitely collect them.  I prefer the companions that do something besides produce (i.e. the 90 bean ones) because I like that they can do two things - even though it means collecting more of whatever crop it will produce in order to also get the second benefit. 

    I would like a companion that would move a sheep to the hay.  Sometimes I'm stuck trying to move that last sheep - especially when I have created the hay and it is only one tiny square.  I think it would also be nice to have a companion that would get rid of a spider.  I realize I might need to collect more of the crop (maybe 15 or 20) but it would be worth it.
  • spirals
    spirals Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I usually use the companions on the levels, many times because I forget to unclick them. I usually use the ones that can give something other than just produce.  I try and get as many companions as I can, and will replay the companion level till I get the 3 stars.  I wish there were more animal options instead of one special one and the rest regular.  I think the companions do enough what I want without making it too easy. 

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    Hey..brutally honest, so apologies in advance. 
    I can remember the life before the companions. The levels seemed a lot fairer. The companions were introduced and the levels all became a lot harder to compensate. 
    I rarely use them. If anything it might be a filler or the manticore, even though its not working as it should be. I honestly do not find them helpful and on some levels, if they only need a few crops, I have managed to pass it without even activating it at all. After many many tries I might activate them and usually only then will the board lay itself out in a better way meaning I can complete it, but not because of the companion help.
    They are a last resort after I have been on the level for weeks. I didn't like the farm club levels, as they got further on they became too hard to win the first star and the only reason I have three stars on them is because I threw so many boosters at the level. It shouldn't have to be  like that. 
    I think if the companions are going to be there, firstly they should all work properly (the manticore has not worked properly since it was released but as its not a priority it could be some time, it opens flowers but does not throw crops) and secondly they should be effective. Some levels have very bad options on them. I can't tell you which now as I didn't keep a note, I just emailed support at the time. 
  • RegalRenz
    RegalRenz Posts: 8,495
    I love the companions. The two that I'll always choose when available are the egg cracker companion and the companion that whacks the chickens and the oysters. I like the one that fills the bucket too; that always comes in especially handy during hero mode. 
  • Mbsinkcmo
    Mbsinkcmo Posts: 55

    Level 3

    I definitely use them! If a level offers a grower, I always pick that one. I also like the exploders. (sorry, I don't know the proper names/terms for a lot of the game as I just make up my own names!) I have collected them all, so I have a permanent "3" at the bottom of my play screen (on Android), which makes me sad because there's no more challenges that reap big rewards to collect more of the companions. That area seems so neglected, and I think that probably makes the animals sad as well. No animal should be sad! 😊
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,162
    Hello @QueenB

    "Animal Companions" is my favorite feature in the game!!  Until level # 2000, I was not using them regularly but only in those levels, where I was stuck for weeks!!  But after passing level # 2000, I found it hard to beat those levels and the Companions made my job easy :D     

    "Breakers" are the ones that I found useful and will definitely use them where the board contains lot of webs!  This way, I can concentrate on collecting my Cropsies, whereas the Companion does it's job to move that Spider(s) :D 

    But, I found this same Companion are not much of a use where there are "Snow Balls" present - it doesn't do much good but wasting my 90 Magic Beans!  

    Another useful Companion for me is "Grower" ---> I always use them where I have to grow more than 5 flowers; and also when they are hiding in the corners. 

    My final and 3rd favorite Companion is "Cracker" --->  Recently, I am noticing that we are being asked to collect more than 5 chicks or alligator babies.. that too with 4 steps requirement -- where they are surrounded by grass or hidden in Ice, Cracker is a get resource to beat those levels!  

    Do not use any companions other than these 3 kinds, because, I did not find much use with them!!

    Thank you for asking for our opinion & feedback!  
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836
    Loving all the feedback, this is really great!

  • rhamesses
    rhamesses Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I love the animal companions, they're all really cute!
    I'm not that far along in the game, but my favourites so far are the Growers & Producers... I'm starting to get to use the Igniters more, and they're very helpful, too.
    Like one of the previous posters, I always try to go back & get all 3 stars on Companion levels so that I've got as many as possible to help out on the hard levels.
    I'd love to see companions that are able to "hit" spiders or clear more snowballs at a time.
    Thanks for making them so cute & varied!!!

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