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Discussion List
Deleting cookies messed up my game
I had close to 80+ cat power ups, 30 shovels, 40 or so tractors, and just found out after deleting cookies, I'm back to single digits (did the remove cookies, so I can play youtube videos without ads, what a great help that was) only things unaffected: "beans" and gold. Only one cat (powerup) right now, 11 tractors, and…
Need info about spiders
What is the trick to getting rid of spiders? Some go away after just a few clicks, others seem to take forever! Is there something I should look for regarding the webs they spin or something? Any hints gratefully appreciated!!
Farm heroes saga not connecting to Facebook
I'm still having trouble connecting the game to facebook, it keeps popping up that there is no connection. Other games work normally. Reinstalling the game didn't help. I guess it's time to say goodbye to Farm Heroes Saga and start playing something else. It's a shame because I've been playing it for a very long time.…
What happened to my beans and how do I get gold bars?
I have played on FB for years and used to collect lots of beans. For a while, I wasn't getting any and now the ones that I had, are almost gone and I've never used them. I also wondered how I would get gold bars.
Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand!
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!
Not getting boosters or extra moves
At start of each game I don't get the option of getting any boosters and at end of game not getting option to get extra moves
Episode 68 Levels 1061- 1075
Let us know if the video looks different to your game as the level will have been changed 😊
Episode 67 levels 1046- 1060
Let us know if the video looks different to your game as the level will have been changed 😊
Edited by CM: Please repost in English so everyone can understand
*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Episode 66 levels 1031- 1045
Let us know if the video looks different to your game as the level will have been changed 😊