🌼 What's next for Farm Super Heroes? 🍂
Hi there @QueenB 😉 I've been thinking about this nice game a couple of times. This game is the first game I play in my system. Yes, I have my order. Unfortunately there is no motivation in this game. There are no challenges, badges of any kind. For example the level badges. I'm over 1191. On that episode there was the…
Faulty video
Hi, I have not long been playing this game and am at about level 190, ever since about level 170 a box comes up saying watch this video and win lives etc, every time I do this a message says there is a problem, it continues to pop up and is a nuisance it has been like it for weeks now, can the moderators fix the issue…
New to the community. Hello I'm Karen been playing this fun game for a while. It's a blast but some times it can make u upset should I say. Love it be playing for manys weeks ahead
Why can't I go any further?
I wrote to you earlier. I can't go any further than Level 2050. I play on my laptop, not a phone. I have also rebooted but this has made no difference. I still can't get past Level 2050. Any further suggestions?
Never mind. I was looking for Farm Heroes Saga, not Super Saga.
I have completed Level 2050 on Farm Heroes Super Saga. Why can't I go any further?
I have completed Level 2050 on Farm Heroes Super Saga. Why can't I go any further?
🍓🥕 We are just curious people 🐇🦔
Want to join no account then register here in 2 minutes Hi to all you super farm lovers 🙋♀️ here you have @PrettyBubbles and @Elsa who are 2 very curious Superstars 😻 so much so we would love to chat 💬 with you about your game choice How did you come across FHSS❓ What made you select it as your game choice❔ and what do…
🍌 Farm Super Heroes 🦋
Hello dear players! We need players who can help in Farm Heroes. There are no expert players for this game yet. 🤗Do you feel like it?
A special message from us to you
Want to join no account then register here in 2 minutes To all in the Farming community @PrettyBubbles and would like to send you a message We would also like to say a big For taking the time to join in with all our content 💓
What is going on?
It seems that on different devices and with different games, I get the same issue: NO CONNECTION. This means - no synchronisation and on one of my games I'm now back to level 1 -basically restarting.Until about yesterday everything seemed to go OK and suddenly everything goes wrong. Farm heroes super: No Connection…