Level 2017 Broken
Anytime you get a 2x2 block in the bottom section the game locks up and must be restarted.
Please help, my level is blocked by a logo.
🐐 July's King Game of the Month is... Farm Heroes Super Saga! Find out more here!
Dear community, We've got a new Game of the Month ready for all of you!! Do you want to learn more about Farm Heroes Super Saga this July!? Then, join us in the fun and stay tuned to not miss out on all the content & competitions we will be running during this month! 🙌 It's going to be Farmtastic!! July's King Game is...…
Farm Heroes Super Saga is Game of the Month! 🥳
Howdy Super Farm Heroes!! We've got exciting news for y'all- Farm Heroes Super Saga is our July Game of the Month in the King Community! That means we'll share some interesting content and host some croptastic competitions during this month- a perfect opportunity to win some Gold Bars for your game! It's already started,…
Cannot play in landscape mode
Landscape mode was great before. Now when I turn the phone in the horizontal position it won't rotate (I know Auto-rotate is on in my system settings). Help!
Desafio desta semana no super saga Farm
Quem está participando do desafia e quem já ganhou. Falta apenas três dias e treze horas vamos lá
Can anyone help me with level #389? How do i get the goat to jump to the hay?
Cabn anyone help me with level #389? I cant figure out how to get the goat to jump to the hay.
Hi Farm Heroes super saga level 1503
Hi all, I am a new bee! I want help!!! I play Farm Heroes super saga but level 1503 i can 't see the solution too finish this level. Is there anybody, wil can help me please?🙄
Level 1775 freezes
As I try to play level 1775 it will freeze half way through and I have to go out of game and start over. Since I don’t win on first try I play over and over. Sometimes it will go through to end of game. It freezes the other times making me not want to go back to it.
(FINISHED) Halloween Contest - Find the spookies 🎃
Something has scared 16 characters out of their games, so they’ve run away and hidden all around the Community!! Can you help us find them again so we can celebrate Halloween altogether? As a reward, you’ll receive a badge for every character you discover, each one worth 10 points! And remember: once you've found a…