3 extra moves booster from Bonnie
Even though Bonnie gives me the 3 extra moves booster I not able to use it! Do I have to unlock it? How?
game wont load
for three days my Farm Heroes Super Saga won't load..it is there for ages and then just comes up with grey screen saying "snap" I am on a chromebook
Level 1653
Hello, Can someone please look into the above-mentioned level and show me how it can be completed? I am so frustrated because it is just impossible. I have tried numerous times, lost many lives and cannot afford to spend money on gold bars for extra moves. Here are screenshots: Thank you.
Country show is locked
I'm on level 1092 but since last night, the country show icon has a lock on it and says "Level 11." Obviously, I am way past level 11. I have rebooted, logged out and logged back in, cleared cache...even went back and played early levels just to see if it would unlock. No luck. Any insights about how I can unlock it?
Level 2103 farm heroes super saga
Impossible to get nut in bottom right corner.
Farm hero’s super
Level 1482- twice!!! Tried to add on the five moves- twice had the gold bars deducted and it just spins. I have to exit the game to stop the freeze and then am starting over- with credits spent. This is crap. I want my 18 credits back or better yet- the money spent on them as I will be removing this game.
Latest version for Kindle fire
Where can I get the latest version of Farm Hero's Super saga for Kindle? Amazon app store has version 1.2.2, which stops at level 955. Tried to get it from Play Store, but it is not supported on the Kindle. Any ideas?
Farm Heroes Saga Connection Error (24 May 2020)
I'm playing Farm Heroes Saga on my Samsung phone and I'm at level 1188. I have been playing for a number of years. A couple of weeks ago I received a message on my game that it could not connect to the Internet. When I try to log in, it says 'There was a connection error. Try again in a bit'. Yet I can sent email messages…
Level 1899 - 8 moves?
There are only 8 moves for level 1899 which needs at least double that if not more. Included is screenshot of start of game/haven’t made a move yet. It shows only 8 moves at start and all the objects that you have to get in 8 moves. It’s impossible unless you buy lives
Collected everything, but my game days I failed.
I'm on level 1689. I played this level and collected everything, but the game says I've failed. Why is this? I have contacted King.