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FINISHED - 🐶🐼🐷Who's a pet detective? FIND THE DIFFERENCES and WIN GOLD BARS!!! (finished)

bearwithme Posts: 16,933
edited May 2022 in Contests

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Calling all Pet Detectives!

Can you find at least 6 of the 8 differences between images 1 and 2? If you can you could win 20 Gold Bars in your Pet Rescue Saga Game!



Please use the spoiler and list the differences you find, so that other players can have the opportunity to find the differences on their own.

Five randomly chosen players who get at least 6 of the differences correct, will be chosen to win 20 GBs in PRS.

The contest will end at 3:00 PM Central European Time 20 Oct 2021.

.Good luck and have fun!🍀🍀🎉🎉🎉

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